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Harold Bamber- Updated as of 7\1\2024
Born in 1896, Whittle le Woods,
Age: 19 on enlistment
Age: 21 in 1917
Killed in Action: 21 July 1917
France and Flanders
Reg no: 18692
Rank: Private
7 Battalion East Lancashire Regiment
Enlisted about 27 May 1915 at Burnley
The 7 Battalion East Lancashire Regiment was on the front line just northeast of Oostaverne.
The trenches were between Verhaest Avenue and Pioneer Road \ Preston Road
and preparations were being made to be attacking towards Green-Wood.
According to the War Diary-
Blue and Red Line
18 July 1917
Battalion moved to Blue and Red Line near WIJSCHATE RIDGE preparatory to moving into line.
19 July 1917
Battalion moved into line relieving 9/ R.W Fusiliers in CENTRE SUB SECTOR Q17 A + C SHEET 28 S.W 1/20'000
Battalion disposed D Coy Left front line, C coy Right front line, B Coy Support in ROSE WOOD
A Coy in Support at GOUDEZEONE FME.
20 July 1917
Casualties O Ranks, 1 Killed (might say 7) 3 Wounded
22 July 1917
Battalion relieved in line by 10th Worcester and moved to Camp at N.16 B 9 3 into Reserve
Captain E G Edwards, 2/Lt Rentone, 2/Lt J H Jeffreys wounded
2 OR Killed, and 11 wounded
News has been received of the death of Pte Harold Bamber (18691) of the East Lancashire Regt., son of Pte. And Mrs Bamber, 17, Hargher street, Burnley. Deceased, who joined the Army on January 20th, 1915, was 21 years of age. He was in training at Plymouth until May 27th the same year, when he was drafted to France.
He took part in the great advance at Messines on June 7th and was Killed in Action on July 21st.
He was formerly an apprentice with Mr J. Preston, house decorator, of Hargher Street, and attended Wood Top Sunday School. When deceased first went out he was attached to the 1st East Lancashire’s, and afterward was with another battalion.
Lieut. R Burgess Walker wrote to deceased’s parents under date July 24th:-
“ As a stranger to you it is difficult for me to express my sympathy, but I have been your sons platoon officer ever since he joined the battalion in December last, and I have had good reason to appreciate his fine qualities and courage through intimate connection with him both in action and at rest. He has always proved himself an intelligent, resourceful, and brave soldier, and I feel his loss most acutely. It may be some consolation to you to know he died without pain. We were holding a line of trenches previously held by the enemy, and wrested from him in the recent advance, in which your son played his part.
In the middle of the night the Boches started shelling heavily, and a shell landed on the parapet just in front of you son, who was killed instantaneously, being completely buried with the explosion.”
The letter goes on to say that the remains of the deceased were later interred in a British cemetery behind the line’s
A letter has also been received from Pte. J. Ramsbottom, a chum of deceased, stating that Harold was always in the best of spirits, and was liked and respected by all who knew him. All the lads in his section and platoon sent their deepest sympathy in his loss.
Son of Benjamin and Sarah Bamber, of 17, Hargher St., Burnley
He is buried in Oostaverne Wood Cemetery
George Beardsworth
Born in 1891, Whittle le Woods, Living in Nelson
Age: on enlistment
Age: 26 when killed
Killed in Action: 13 May 1917
Reg no: 16855
France and Flanders
Rank: Sergeant
"C" Coy, 22 Manchester Regiment
Enlisted at Manchester
Also served in the 4 and 18 Manchester Regiment
10.05.17 22nd Manchester Regiment held in support, at Ecoust, and on the railway embankment.
12.05.17 22nd Manchester Regiment ( British 173rd Brigade) relieved the AIF 58th
Battalion in Bullecourt. Their objective was to capture German trenches Southwest of Bullecourt in an area called the Red Patch (called Red Patch because it was red on the map). The British had
control over the village of Bullecourt except for the Red Patch. 22 Manchester would attack the Red Patch from the northeast, while 2/Royal Warwicks would attack from the south. The 2/7 Duke of
Wellington would assault the Crucifix with the aim of cutting the German lifeline into their trenches in the Red Patch. British Artillery would fire their shells into the Red Patch immediately before
the British Units attacked the location from both sides.
The arrival of the 22nd Manchester Regiment only succeeded in overcrowding the communication trenches in which they were forced to take shelter until nightfall
13.05.17 03:40 Hours attack on Red Patch. 22nd Manchester Regiment attacked the G1 trench, which protected the southwest corner of the village. Despite being isolated G1 trench refused to be captured
and still controlled western portions of Bullecourt. The Germans held the G1 trench with great strength. German patrol was seen approaching the British. Green SOS flares fired requesting protective
barrage. Shells fell indiscriminately amidst the confusion. The Warwicks and Manchester’s were ordered to go in with the bayonet and fought ferociously.
Indiscriminate shells fell upon the Warwick’s, then the Manchester’s
causing heavy casualties to both. The protective barrage never reached the
Enemy trenches and the attack collapsed. As the remaining men went
the shattered brickwork and devastation towards the G1 trench they were
met by heavy machine-gun fire, both from the trench and also from
positions around the crucifix on their right.
Some parties of the 2nd Royal Warwickshires came along the road running
Bullecourt past the G1 trench and apparently run into some men from
D Company, 22nd Manchester Regiment, such was the disorientation
of the men and their officers. Both A and D company commanders were
wounded. Wounded men straggling back described the attack as having
failed. The survivors were scattered across the ground still swept by machine
guns and aimed rifle fire. Men of the 22nd Manchester’s were pinned down
by machine guns in the Red Patch and by the crossroads.
Casualties were relatively light, two officers killed, two wounded, one missing believed
killed. 106 other ranks were killed, wounded, and missing.
Son of James and Annie Beardsworth, of 100, Brunswick St., Nelson, Lancs
His name is on the Arras Memorial, Bay 7
Gerrald Bennett- more to add
Born 1898 in Whittle le Woods
Age: 18 and 3 months on enlistment
Age: 20
Reg no: 241226
Killed in Action: 10 April 1918
France and Flanders
9th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
Enlisted 2 November 1914 at Bolton
2/5 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 3217
Admitted to General Hospital, Brighton for Necrosis of Tibia on 3 April 1916 until 15 April 1916
At the time of Gerald Bennett's death, he was with the 9th Battalion in the line south of Armentieres.
On the 10th of April 1918, the battalion was part of a counter-attack in and around the village of Croix du Bac.
It was known as 'The Battle of Estaires', from 9th to 11th April 1918.
Reported missing on 10 April 1918
Son of John and Ann Bennett, of 142, Oakenbottom Rd., Tonge, Bolton.
He was a Crofter at Bleachworks
Bolton County Borough Roll of Honour 1914-1918
St James WW1 Memorial, Breightmet
His name is on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Berks Cemetery Extension
Peter Bibby
Born 1884, Whittle Le Woods
Age 31 on Enlistment
Age: 31 , when shot by a sniper.
Killed in Action: 22 October 1915
France and Flanders
Reg no: 12530
Rank: Private
7 Battalion East Lancashire Regiment
In 1911, Peter Bibby a Boatman on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal
was married to Florence, a cotton winder.
They had four children, Ellen, William, Florence, and Mary Ann.
They lived at 1 Elizabeth Street, Blackburn
Enlisted at Blackburn
Peter would join up on 17 July 1915, being killed 3 months later after being shot by a sniper.
His regiment would sail for France the day after, but I'm guessing he may have missed
the first journey.
Peter Bibby and his Battalion were in trenches at Rue Des Chavattes
On the days before the 22nd of October, the enemy was sniping and using rifle grenades
and shelling.
On the 22nd of October, the war diary states-
The enemy again very active with rifle fire, rifle grenades and HG shells.
Later did no damage but rifle grenades did considerable damage
Casualties 2/Lt Wilson and six men wounded and one man killed - possibly Peter Bibby
He is buried at Le Touret Military Cemetery, RICHEBOURG-L'AVOUE
Henry Bennett
Born 1892, Whittle le Woods, Living at Great Harwood
Age: 23 at death
Died at Sea : 3 October 1915
Reg no: 13160
Enlisted at Accrington
Rank: Private
7 Service Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment
His date of entry shows 17 December 1914, first serving in France
I believe he was at Gallipoli with the battalion as part of the 33rd Brigade in the 11th (Northern) Division and on 1 July 1915 his battalion sailed from Liverpool
On a liner called RMS Empress of Britain.
The ship arrived at Malta on 8 July 1915 where it remained for three days prior to sailing for the Egyptian port of Alexandria where it arrived the following day. On 16 July the RMS Empress of Britain left Alexandria and arrived at Lemnos two days later finally reaching Mudros on 18 July 1915. At Mudros the battalion was transferred to the troopship Abassieh and sailed for Cape Helles on 20 July.
His battalion was attached to the 63rd (Royal Naval) Division.
On 1 August 1915, the 7th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment embarked on the Osmanieh and sailed for Imbros.
I think Henry Bennett may have served at Suvla Bay, Chocolate Hill, Ismail Oglu Tepe, and near Scimitar Hill as of August 1915
He died on a Hospital Ship called HS GALIKA at Mudros on 3rd October 1915
In 1911, Henry Bennett was living at 3 Church Lane End, Altham, Accrington with
his family.
His parents were Absalam, an Engineer at the Brickworks, and Mary Bennett.
He had come from a big family of 11. Although only 4 had survived up to 1911
Husband of F. McArdle (formerly Bennett), of 3, Hope St., Great Harwood, Lancs.
Buried at East Mudros Military Cemetery, on the Greek island of Limnos (Lemnos)
It is engraved DUTY NOBLY DONE by his wife
Stanley Clitheroe
Born 11 Sep 1895, Chorley, Living in Farrington
Age: 20
Killed in Action: 14 June 1915
Reg no:11650
France and Flanders
Rank: GDSN
2 Battalion Scots Guards
Lived at 9 School St, Farington from 1911 to 1915.
At the time of this death, he had been employed at Dialene Rubber Works, Leyland
A 5.9 "Jack Johnson" shell hit the trench killing him.
2nd SGs were in the area of Givenchy. The diary states:
Enemy's trenches opposite our line were bombarded all day by our artillery, some shells falling short into our trenches and causing casualties. German artillery replied by shelling our line heavily from 1.30 pm til dark, F Coy suffering severely. Battn was relieved by the 21st Brigade after dark and marched by Coys to old billets in Essars. 8 killed, 15 wounded.'
Sadly it's as much chance he was killed by a British shell as a German one according to the above excerpt.
His name is on the Le Touret Memorial
And also these more local ones -
Ambrose Memorial, Moss Lane, Leyland
Mural Plaque in St Ambrose, Leyland
Scots Guards Memorial, Edinburgh Castle
John Clitheroe
Born 1864, Whittle le Woods
Aged 52
Died of Wounds: 2 May 1916 ?
Reg no: 24001
Enlisted at Chorley?
Rank: Private
24th Supernumerary Company 3rd/5th Battalion Kings Liverpool Regiment
Supernumerary Companies had 120 men and were attached to an active regiment
providing guard duties on railways and other vulnerable places etc
Under the regulations, they also had to be between 32 and 50...which makes me wonder why he was still serving!
Preston Herald - Saturday 13 May 1916
Pte John Clitheroe, Kings Liverpool Regt, died from wounds on Tuesday in the Shrewsbury Hospital. His home was at 9 School Street, Farington. He had served 18 years in the Army and lost a son. Pte Stanley Clitheroe of the Scots Guards, at Festurbert in June last.
The interment took place on Saturday at Whittle le Woods.
John Clitheroe was the father of Stanley Clitheroe above
He was the son of Richard and Elizabeth Clitheroe; husband of Martha Ann Clitheroe, of 9 School St., Farington, Preston. Born at Clayton le Woods. Served 16 years
with the colours
Died of Wounds at Shrewsbury Hospital.
John Clitheroe took part in the Egyptian Campaign of 1882 and the Gordon Relief Expedition.
He had rejoined the Army in June 1915.
But according to his Pension Ledger, he died due to Bronchitis and Vavulas disease of the Heart.
3/5th Battalion formed in May 1915 and went to Blackpool in the autumn of that year. Early 1916 to Oswestry, and in April became a Reserve Battalion which did not go overseas.
With John Clitheroe being in the hospital in Shrewsbury. Was he training in Oswestry at the time?
Found some new information, possibly his daughter
Miss Eliz: Ellen Clitheroe / 9 School St, Farington, Preston was a VAD associated with Cuerden Hall Auxiliary Hospital
His son Albert Edward Clitheroe also served, as did his nephew Frank Clitheroe and all 3 names are on the Roll of Honour of Clayton le Woods C of E School.
Buried at St John, Whittle le Woods
Thomas Riding Chadwick
Born in 1893 Whittle Springs
Age: on enlistment
Age 25
Killed in Action:25 March 1918
Reg no: 17577
France and Flanders
Enlisted at Chorley
Rank: L/cpl
2nd Battalion Cameronian (Scottish Rifles)
In 1911 Thomas R Chadwick was living with his family at 2 Crook Row, Wheelton
His parents were Edmund Chadwick a Publican, and Martha and other children Richard (Coldstream Guards), Bessie, Ernest, and Alice.
Married Dorothy Ann Marsden on 22 June 1915 at Brindle
The line held by the Battn. was from QUIQUERY on the R to the Railway on the left. It consisted of a trench (unwired) with a sunken road about 150x in the rear of it. 184 Bde. held line on our R. and
a Unit known as Divl. Reinforcement Battn. were supposed to be on our left.
A marshy stream thickly wooded ran from our R back towards NESLE.
At daybreak patrols confirmed that there was nobody on our left, a report was made to brigade and a reply was received to the effect that the left was all right, As Germans could be seen moving
around our flank in large numbers.
A Coy. under 2/LT H GRANT was turned back to form a defensive flank. At about 11 a.m. a French M.G. Coy. ( 10 guns) reported to us and came into action at QUIQUERY. The battery fixed (fired) over our
heads onto the NESLE Road & gave invaluable assistance.
NESLE, 25th MARCH cont
2 p.m By noon the situation was critical. A Coy. after a gallant fight was driven back into the sunken road and the enemy now right on our flank kept up an intense on every part of our
No assistance was given by our artillery although the NESLE road was swarming with Germans.
The situation now desperate, enemy firing straight down the sunken road. The men began to get away by small parties up the stream towards NESLE. This was the only way of escape now open. By 2.15 The
last man was out of the sunken road, but many were caught by M.G. or shell fire as they went up the valley.
Most of the survivors appear to have gone into NESLE and were probably captured by the Germans who had by this time got right round. Only 7 Officers and 55 men got back to the Brigade. The gallant
fight made by the battalion undoubtedly barred the road to NESLE to the enemy for several hours after the troops on our left had fallen back. It may even have saved the Brigade on our Right whose
flank would have been completely turned had the Germans succeeded in working up the stream towards NESLE.
He is buried in Ham British Cemetery, Muille-Villette
Thomas Desoer
Born 1890, Whittle le Woods
Age: 27 when killed
Rank: Private
Reg no: 23116
Killed in Action:25 Feb 1917
Mesopotamia (Iraq)
6th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
Enlisted at Chorley
Thomas was killed in action fighting at the Second Battle of Kut, which was fought in February 1917, between the British and Ottoman forces.
24th February 1917-
They were part of the 38th Brigade and as of 24th February 1917, they were located at SHUMRAN BEND
Under the orders of the 14 Division, they were to take part in the crossing of the bridge across the river at M32
25th February 1917-
Six miles west of IMAM MAHDI
Part of the vanguard whilst crossing the river and at 11 am, the vanguard was shelled heavily at times
As the Brigade including the 6th Loyal North Lancashire Regiment advanced the War Dairy notes, shelling all day, was very heavy.
Casualties- Killed
3 Officers
39 Other Ranks Inc Thomas Desoer
Casualties- Wounded
10 Officers
191 Other Ranks
Casualties- Missing
0 Officers
12 Other Ranks
Casualties- Sick
0 Officers
7 Other Ranks
Thomas Desoer was born in 1890, to parents John Thomas Desoer and Selina Griffiths
They had married in 1886 at St John The Evangelist and their other children were George, Lily, and James
He was a regular at St James's Church, Chorley
Name is in the Churches Roll of Honour
His name is on Basra Memorial, located 32 kilometers along the road to Nasiriyah
Thomas Fishwick
Born Whittle le Woods
Age: 32
Killed in Action: 25th September 1916
Reg no: 29818
Rank: Private
1st Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
France and Flanders
Enlisted at Preston
Thomas Fishwick and the 1st Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment were
in the front line at Eaucourt l' Abbaye for four days from the 20th of September 1916
During a failed attack on the 25th, Thomas would be killed in action.
His probate says Thomas Fishwick of the Forresters Arms, Newton Street. Preston
and (with will) to Alice Fishwick, a widow. Effects £105
Son of Henry and Alice Fishwick, of 34, Newton St., Preston, Lancs
Otherwise known as Forresters Arms, the Fishwick's had the pub under Henrys name
from 1917-1927, and then Alice from 1932-1940.
His name is on the Thiepval Memorial
And also on the Harris Museum \ Art Gallery Roll of Honour
John Eccles
Age 47
Born Preston, Living in Whittle le woods
Died of Heart Attack: 14 June 1915
Reg no: 19016
Enlisted at Preston
Rank: Private
11 Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
John Eccles previously served in the Boer War, and he re-enlisted at the start of WW1.
The 11th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment began training at Billericay in May of 1915.
After suffering from chest pains he was excused from his duties and given medicine from the Doctor.
Within 30 minutes of John Eccles visiting the Doctor, he had collapsed and died a little later.
He previously lived at 20 Heatley Street, Preston
Husband of Florence Eccles, of 2, Herbert St., Preston
They had a son called John Allen Eccles born in c1910
Buried at Preston New Hall Lane Cemetery
Charles Gillett
Born 15 Jun 1892 Whittle le Woods
Age on enlistment: 22
Age at death: 24
Died of Wounds:15 July 1916
Reg no: 13244
Rank: L/Cpl
8th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
Enlisted at Chorley
Joined up on 6 September 1914
France and Flanders
At Boscombe, on 2 January 1915 was absent off pass, from 12 midnight until 10 pm
At Boscombe, on 28 March 1915 was absent from the Tattoo until 7.20 am Parade and punished with 7 days of CB.
At Aldershot, on 19 September 1915 was absent from 11.50 pm until 12 pm of the
next day and punished with 5 days CB.
Promoted to L/cpl on 21 May 1916 "in the field"
Wounded in Action on 8 July 1916 and taken to a CCS, possibly at the Advanced Dressing Station of the 75th Field Ambulance
(I'm having a rough guess he was too wounded to rejoin)
According to the War Diary the Battalion on the 7 July 1916 at CRUCIFIX CORNER
At 2 pm they are ordered up to the front line also taking positions at the support line at CAMPBELL POST in front of AVULEY VILLAGE.
A, B, and C companies were moved up to the trenches of LEIPZIG SALIENT, captured that morning
At 8.30 pm they moved up into the salient in the absolute darkness and expected a German counter-attack, but never actually took place
The night passed quietly except for shelling and bombing
Relief came early in the morning of the 8th of July
Total Casualties-
2 Officers Killed, 2 Wounded
Other Ranks- 5 Killed, 34 Wounded, 2 Missing
At 6 am the battalion was relieved by 6 West York R and moved to the assembly trenches in AVELUY WOOD where they remained until midnight
Died of Wounds on 15 July 1916
Any of his belongings, Inc. Medals were to be forwarded to Mr Joseph Nicholas Gillett, of 1 Kem Mill Cottage, Whittle le Woods.
Son of Joseph and Margaret Ann. Brother to John, Margaret, George
He was a regular attendee at St Peter's Church
He is buried at Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery, Warloy-Baillon
The photograph was found via and his profile was maintained by member "Remembering"
William (Justice) Jones
Born 1882 in Whittle le Woods, Living in Chorley
Age 33 Enlistment
Age: 36
Died: 21 February 1918
Reg no: 35076
Rank: Private
3 Garrison Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment
Formerly 80215 RFA
Enlisted in February 1915
Served in India
There is very little information on the 3 Garrison Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment
Raised in January 1917 in Bedford.
They arrived in India on the 12th of June 1917.
On arrival, they were boosted in number with men left behind from the TF battalions
who left India for the EEF.
They joined the Rangoon Brigade of the Burma Division in November 1917 remaining with the Burma Division throughout the war.
However, I have recently been given some more information on William Jones
"Pte 3rd Berford Regt, attached G I P Ry [Great Indian Peninsula Railway]
Cause of death: Suffocation from submersion. (This seems to be the terminology for drowning)
He was buried by a Fr. (signature) which probably indicates a Roman Catholic priest"
Attended St Josephs Church, Chorley
Husband of Elizabeth Jones, of 22, Black Stone Rd., Chorley, Lancashire.
He is buried at Jhansi Cantonment Cemetery in Jhansi, India
George Riding
Born 1895, Whittle le Woods
Age on enlistment: 19
Age: 23 at death
Killed in Action: 10 April 1918
France and Flanders
Reg no: 16484
Rank: Sergeant
8th Battalion, Border Regiment
Enlisted at Blackburn
Joined up on 3rd November 1914 at Carlisle
Admitted to 1 CAN CCS after getting Influenza on 15 November 1916
Battle of the Lys
The 8th Battalion, Border Regiment was in front of Ploegsteert Wood on 10 April 1918.
There seemed to be no sign of any attack on the 25th Division front, and it was not until 5 am on the morning of the 10th that heavy bombardment of the front started to happen.
Heavy Artillery and also gas shells were fired and roughly forty minutes later,
covered by mist, the Germans crossed over the river and attacked.
The Brigade line had the 8th Border Regiment on the right, the 11th Cheshires to the left, and the 2nd South Lancashire Regiment in reserve.
George Riding was a Loomer at the Cotton Mill
His parents were William, a weaver, and Mary Ann Riding, a winder.
His two older brothers also joined up -
William Riding was discharged from the 8th Loyal North Lancashire Regiment on 2nd December 1914 after joining up in Chorley on the 31st August 1914
the reason is given -
"Discharged not likely to be an efficient soldier"
"Due to the incontinence of urine"
Thomas Riding joined the Border Regiment at Carlisle on 2nd November 1914
and went overseas in 1916.
Transferred to the Labour Company on 23rd February 1918
Then discharged due to a shell wound to his thigh on 4th April 1918
Being no longer physically for the service
George Riding lived on Chorley Old Road, Whittle le Woods in 1911
Son of Mrs. Mary Ann Riding, of 20, Kemp St., Crimshaw Park, Blackburn as of 1918
His name is on the Ploegsteert Memorial
Jack (Cooper) Sharples
Born 1893, Whittle le Woods, Living in Leyland
Age on Enlistment: 22
Age at Death: 24
Killed in Action: 3 May 1917
Reg no:1614
Rank: TPR
France and Flanders
Household Battalion, Household Cavalry, and Cavalry of the Line
He enlisted on 10 December 1915
Jack Cooper Sharples was killed on the 3rd of May 1917 in the attack on Roeux Cemetery
which was a strong German defence on the bend of a river, about 1 mile from Fampoux and only a few thousand yards from the Hindenburg Line.
The Germans put up very strong resistance and forced The Household Battalion and other attacking units back.
230 casualties
His name is on the Arras Memorial
Daniel Slater
Born in 1898 Whittle le Woods, living at Penwortham
Age on enlistment:
Age: 19 on death
Died of Wounds: 16 July 1917
Reg no: 123740
France and Flanders
Rank: Gunner
Either 261st or 281st Siege Bty- due to writing cant be sure
Royal Garrison Artillery
Either 261st or 281st Siege Bty- due to writing can't be sure because in the Grave Registrations of
it says 281st, but in the search result of the site it comes up with 261st
Enlisted at Preston
He previously served in 360 Siege Bty and then transferred
He landed in France in Feb 1917 at the same time as 286 Brigade RFA (2nd West Lancs), this Brigade had plenty of men from Bamber Bridge and Lostock Hall and the surrounding area
Depending on the correct siege battery-
261st Siege Battery belonged to 65 HAG from 3rd August to 27th October 1917
The 281st Siege Battery was as of these dates, 22nd June to 2nd August part of 56th HAG.
I would think he was wounded near Poperinge.
Daniel Slater was Wounded and taken to 47 Casualty Clearing Station sometime on 16 July 1917 or days before.
The 47 Casualty Clearing Station was recently moved to Dozinghem, north of Poperinghe.
Hence the reason why Daniel was buried there
Daniel Slater lived at Rock Villa Road in 1911 with his parents and siblings Edith Ann, Henry, and Emmanuel.
Son of John William and Grace Slater of 3, Caton Terrace, Lostock Hall, Preston.
Another Address possibly for his parents was 6 Harold Terrace, Lostock Hall
His Father would have AT REST inscribed on the gravestone
He is buried at Dozinghem military cemetery, Poperinge
William Suter
Born in 1887 in Eastbourne
Age: On enlistment
Age: 30 when killed
Killed in Action: 19 Sep 1917
Reg no: 201265
France and Flanders
Rank: Lance Cpl
4th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders
I have pictures of William Suter
Enlisted at Sheffield
As of 12th September to 19th 1917, The 4th Battalion was at Siege Camp near
Spending most of this time cleaning clothes and kit, working parties with dull and good days being spent
An enemy airplane came over the camp and bombed it on the 15th causing some casualties and then was shelled at night causing a few more.
Attack practice was given from the 16th to the 18th
On the 19th the battalion marched from SEIGE CAMP to Assembly position west of Langemarck.
Leaving at 8:30 pm
An attack on the Langemark-Shellvelt system tomorrow (20th)
At 5:40 am as reported in the war diary, the attack has commenced
WHITE HOUSE occupied without opposition, PHEASANT TRENCH very strongly held.
The trench entered and was captured with very little opposition on the left and very fierce fighting on the right.
At 6:10 am CEMETERY and PHEASANT FARM were reported captured.
Large numbers of Germans were killed; very few prisoners were taken.
By 7:20 pm on 21st Sept 1917, they were in the areas of WHITE HOUSE - PHEASANT FARM - CEMETERY.
Consolidating the line and repelling German counter-attacks until they were relieved by the 5th Seaforths during the night and returned to SIEGE CAMP
Casualties from 19th to 23rd are - Killed 4 officers, Wounded 4 Officers
Other ranks, Killed 41, Wounded 153, Missing 15
At the date given for William Suter being killed in action, the 4th Battalion, Seaforth.
were on their way to (or in) Siege Camp!
The war diary makes no mention of any enemy action on that day
So reading the email sent to me, it would seem William Suter was actually killed on the 20th to be exact ... and as described by the Chorley Guardian archives he was killed while attacking a German stronghold, I believe it was PHEASANT TRENCH and being hit by a bomb and killed instantly.
According to the Chorley Guardian archives he was killed while attacking a German stronghold, being hit by a bomb and killed instantly. The 4 Seaforths were part of 154 brigades involved in the Battle of the Menin Road Ridge at the time of his death. According to the relevant passage in " Passchendaele A day by day account " by Chris McCarthy they were attacking the blue line around Pheasant Trench. This is supported by the relevant section in "The History of the Fourth Battalion The Seaforth Highlanders" by Haldane.
Pictures and Evidence were given to me by Willam Suter's relations.
Son of Elizabeth Suter, of 30, Canterbury St., Chorley, Lancs., and the late John Charles Suter.
His name is on the Tyne Cot Memorial
And also on the plaque at St James, Chorley
William (T) Walmsley
Born 1882, Whittle le Woods
Age: 33 on enlistment
Age: 36
Killed in Action: 23 March 1918
Reg no: 69474
Rank: Private
France and Flanders
136th Field Amb, Royal Army Medical Corp
Enlisted at Aldershot, Joined up on 6 October 1915
The entry for 23 March 1918 does not report casualties, it is quite difficult to read but essentially the previous day the unit was evacuated, unfortunately, it doesn't help with individuals,
especially in the general chaos following the German attack.
22/3 9 pm Walking wounded?
All large ambulance cars sent to Ayette Evacuated all serious cases
Midnight. ? to hand over kit
23/3 Handed over to 93 Field Ambulance Unit moved to Ayette (37D F11 69?) arriving at 1.30 pm
17 ORs sent to report to OC 137 F A at Gomiecourt (57c a 23d Central) 3 ?? out of ?? Hamelinecourt
Living at 2 Spring Bank, Wheelton in 1911
Lived at Black Lion Brow with wife and children, Jessie (17 Sept 1913) and
Evelyn Mary (20 March 1915) in 1915
Husband of Eleanor Annie Walmsley nee slater, of Rye Bank Cottages, Wheelton.
Pension card say Higher Cophurst
25/5 per week from 14 October 1918
His name is on Bay 10 of the Arras Memorial
Thomas Waring
Born Whittle le Woods
Age: 37
Killed in Action: 14 April 1917
France and Flanders
Reg no: 34379
Rank: Private
17 Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers
Enlisted at Leyland
On the 14 April 1917, the 17 Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers the war diary finds them in the line at Fresnoy le petit, about 4,500yards north of Savy Wood.
They were ordered to take Gricourt, not by a direct assault but with converging attacks.
The original plan was not carried out due to rapid changes in the situation.
The war diary gives a good account and by 7.45 pm forward troops were ordered to consolidate.
Casualties -
13 Killed
1 Officer and 34 other ranks wounded
Over 5 enemy prisoners taken, 4 grenade throwers, and a number of boxes of ammunition.
In 1881 he lived with his family at Chorley Road, Whittle le Woods.
He was 1 of 8 (living) children
He was a Clothier's Manager as of 1911 living in Chorley
Son of the late Henry, a Stonemason(1881) and Margaret Waring, Housekeeper 1881)
of 52 Park Road, Chorley
His name is on Pier and Face 3 C and 3 D. of the Thiepval Memorial
Thomas Wilkinson
Born 22 April 1893, Chorley, Living in Whittle le Woods
Age: 21 on enlistment
Age: 25
Died of Wounds: 1 November 1918
Reg no: 13917
Rank: Private
France and Flanders
Army Cyclist Corp, XIII Corps Cyclist Bn
Former service number 2783,4 Loyal North Lancashire Regt.
Born at 96, Harpers Lane, Chorley, Lancashire on 22 April 1893
Parents are William Wilkinson, a Carter at the Railway, and Catherine Cramer?
They married in 1902?
In the 1901 census his father William was married to a Mary A ?
In the 1911 census he is living at 51 Preston St, Chorley
Thomas was 1 of 9 children
Siblings were Maggie, Ellen, William, Alice, Frederick, James, Sarah, Mary A.
Those children that survived were all working in either the Cotton Mill or Bleachworks
They must have moved into Whittle le Woods between the census and 1914
Prior to enlisting he worked at Low Mill Bleachworks, Whittle le Woods
Thomas Wilkinson enlisted at Chorley on 30 September 1914
The role of the cyclist corp includes providing reconnaissance and communication.
As of 1st November 1918, the XIII Corp is preparing to attack the area of Landrecies.
And I'm guessing about that time Thomas Wilkinson was injured and taken to 44 CCS at Roisel.
Found he had a GSW to the back.
Letters, Photos, Watch in Case, Chain Badge, Key, Wallet, Cards, and more Letters and Notebooks are all sent to the family.
In 1921, his father William, a widower is living at Sea View Cottages
Only James and Sarah remain there
Buried at Roisel Communal Cemetery Extension
Roisel is a small town 11 kilometres east of Peronne
J T S Ward - Also known as Edward John Ward
Born at Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland
Killed in Action: 19 Sep 1917
France and Flanders
Reg no: S/31343
Rank: Private
Enlisted at Dundee
7 Battalion, Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Formerly 4028, Lovat Scouts
In the war diary-
14th September 1917- Left Sector Trenches
The Battalion Relieved the 11th A. and SH, 45th Brigade on the left sector of the Division.
The right sector of the Brigade front.
Finding an isolated post at J.25.b.10.25.
C Company, frontline, and scabbard support.
D Company, two platoons left front, 1 platoon scabbard support and 1 platoon at
Welford Trench.
B and A Companies in right and left reserves in Lancer Avenue.
HQ in Johnstone Avenue about H.30 D.1.4
18th September 1917-
B and A Companies relieved C and D respectively
Casualties- O.R, 4 Killed 6 Wounded
19th September 1917- not mentioned but in the same place
Sept. 14th Ieft Sector Trenches Battalion relieved the nth A. and Pommem Redoubt;
2 platoons " A " Coy. and 2 platoons " B " Coy., and " C " and " D " Coys, in shell holes
in the neighbourhood of C.3o.a. and H.Q. in Pommem Redoubt
On 20 August 1917, the 7th Camerons moved into lines east of St Julien
They prepared for an attack on a German strongpoint called Hill 35.
Moving out of their trenches at Pommern Redoubt, the battalion made progress but
was soon held up by machine guns firing from Gallipoli Farm and Iberian Farm.
After suffering heavy losses, relieved on 24 August 1917
Went to Erie Camp, near Poperinghe.
This is the only soldier I could find.