Returned from Duty


To help your name search use the Ctrl key and press F


Considering we had so many losses from both Clayton and Whittle.

I thought it would be worth trying to discover and record all those who served and Returned from Duty both from WW1 and WW2 or any other War since.


All men and women are born/living in or associated with Clayton le Woods and Whittle le Woods at the time of enlistment. All names are listed roughly alphabetically by surname. 


Some of the men served until the end of the war and they were demobilized, others, however, were medically unfit and injured, and a few were eventually found to be too young and removed from service.


Remembering our forgotten heroes


George Ainscough

Born in 1887

Age: 28 and 10 months

Reg no: 37650

Rank: Pte

Cheshire Regiment


12 Border Regiment


78th Labour Battalion, Cheshire Regiment? typo?

Also 20478


He was given notice by Edward Coxhead



Enlisted on 9 December 1915 at Chorley (Whittle le Woods), (Lawrence Cotton was present) and joined up on the 10th December.

Posted to the 12 Border Regiment on 5 March 1916.

Transferred to the Labour Coy, Cheshire Regiment sometime before 12 June 1916

Served as part of the Expeditionary Force and sent to France on 3 April 1916

As of 12 June 1916, George is with the 18th Labour Battalion

Transferred to 56 Coy, Lab Corps on 14 May 1917

He was posted to the 77th Labour Corp on 31 December 1918 and was still with the 77th Labour Corp as of being demobilized on 28 March 1919.


His character is described as good.


He is a Cotton Weaver by Trade as of enlistment


Lived at Chorley Old Road


He married Ada Lancaster in 1920, sister of Herman Lancaster, Killed in Action


George Ainscough died in 1929


Mother is Ann Ainscough 


Must be the brother of below!



Tom (Wilson) Ainscough

Born 13 January 1896

Age: 18

Reg no: 15839

Rank: Pte

11 East Lancashire Regiment


Enlisted on 22 September 1914


5ft 4 1/2


Transferred to 17 Btn Hampshire Regiment as of 29 May 1917 as Reg no 38592

Then to 6 Btn Wiltshire Regiment  as Reg no 47868


He was discharged or Demobilized on 26 February 1919


He would marry Lucy Mildred Ormerod in 1925 at the register office in Chorley


Died on 20 Mar 1982 and at that time he was living at Heeley View, Botany Brow

Probate not exceeding £25000.


He is the Brother of above



Son of Richard a Calico Printers Labourer (1901) and Ann Ainscough

There were 10 of the family living at Chorley Old Road, Whittle le Woods in 1901

Hugh, John, Henry, George, Fred, Jane, Walter and Tom. 




Henry Allison*

Born 1892 I think



Son of Francis and Mary Jane Allison, out of a family of 2 adults and at least 10 living children.


Hawksclough Farm, Clayton Le Woods in 1911




I believe he may have married Lily Hanson in 1917



*Brother of below




William Allison*

Born 22 Nov 1899

Age: 18 years 2 months 15 days


Royal Navy

Victory I



Enlisted on 6 February 1918, he was  18 years 2 months 15 days


Discharged \ Demobilized on 16 April 1919


Engine Cleaner in 1921


*Both sons of Francis and Mary Jane Allison, out of a family of 2 adults and at least 10 living Children.


They lived at Hawksclough Farm, Clayton le Woods


He married Margaret Fowler


I think he died on 27 September 1983

He lived at 717 Preston Road



Henry Allsopp

Born c1876

Age 39

Reg no: 8559

Rank: Pte

5 Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment




Previously served in 4 Battalion Loyal North Lancashire (Vol)

Also 21 Manchester Regiment as Reg no:19577






Enlisted on 10 December 1914 at Manchester

Joined at Manchester on 11 December 1914

Appointed to L / Cpl

Discharged on 2 March 1915 as not likely to become an efficient soldier.


Enlisted on 9 December 1915 at Chorley

Discharged on 7 September 1916


He suffered from Chronic Synovitis, probably in his legs


Trade is an Overlooker (up to 1917)


Married Elizabeth Ann Pearson on 10 July 1902 at Brownedge RC Church 


Lived at Tootell Terrace according to his military records 


Although I believe they are also recorded in the 1911 census as living at 57 

Brownedge Lane, Bamber Bridge


The 1921 Census shows them living in Clayton le Woods



James Allsup*

Born on 22 September 1895


Reg no: 15525

Rank: Cpl


11 East Lancashire Regiment


Enlisted on 19 September 1914





Wounded whilst in Z Company on 1 July 1916, admitted to No 2 GH at Le Havre with GSW to shoulder on 4 July 1916 and lucky for him, sent home.

Transferred to 8 Btn East Lancashire Regiment, Reg no 35433

Retrained and joined the MGC, going up the ranks to 2/Lt


Married Jessie Gollegdge on 8 May 1920at St John the Evangelist, Whittle le Woods


Emigrated to USA in c1921


Died in 1962 and Buried at Walnut Hill Cemetery, Pawtucket, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA




In the picture left to right are Percy, Arthur, Charles, and James




Percy Allsup*

Born 28 July 1897

Age: 18

Reg no: 15524

Rank: Sgt

11 East Lancashire Regiment

Accrington Pals




Enlisted on 19 September 1914, both he and his brother James signed up at the same time.


Wounded on 1 July 1916, sometime after 8 pm whilst going to help reinforce, and was hit in the shoulder by artillery shrapnel fired from British guns during the bombardment.


On 5 May 1917, shaken up when he had his rifle "smashed out of my hand"


Not sure about this...And again in 1917 on patrol from MG fire 


Enlisted on 19 September 1914, both he and his brother James signed up at the same time.


Emigrated to the USA on 12 Nov 1920 via the ship Kaiserin Auguste Victoria. 

Landing in New York, New York


Married Annie Weaver in 1922


Died 19 Sep 1966


Buried at Highland Memorial Park, Johnston, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA 




Arthur Allsup* UNDER AGE

Born on 2 March 1899

16 years, 8 months, 19 days on enlistment

Reg no:  27542

14 Royal Scots (Lothian) Regiment



Arthur Allsup was born on 2 March 1899.

He was one of the sons of James and Susanna Allsup who lived at Clayton Green as of 1911



He Enlisted on 20 November 1915 at Chorley and claimed to be 19 years and 8 months old


Joined at Glencorse on 23 November 1915


He was 16 years, 8 months, 19 days on Enlistment


Discharged as of 25 December 1915, having made a misstatement as to age on enlistment 

When his true age was discovered!


He was 16 years, 9 months, 24 days on Discharge



His father James Allsup was sent a letter regarding his Discharge, and another letter suggested James Allsup wanted Arthur to remain in the Army for Home Defence (5 sons went to the front)


Died 26 Nov 1979


Buried at Highland Memorial Park
Johnston, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA




Charles Allsup*

Born 14 Oct 1900



Reg no:


All brothers and sons of James and Susanna Allsup. Living at Clayton Green in 1911

They all emigrated after WW1 about 1921 to the USA.



He married Mary Annie Robinson on 16 September 1922 at Attleboro, Bristol, Massachusetts


Think they had children, Bessie, Percy, Kathleen


His occupation was a loom fixer at a rayon mill, for 8 years up until he died


Died on 18 Jan 1947 of a fractured skull, cerebral hemorrhage, and shock after an industrial accident.


He lived at 378 Vine St., Pawtucket



John Ed Allsup

Born on 11 Nov 1893

Age: abt 22

Rank: Cpl

Reg no: 680900




His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914-1915 Roll of Honour



No service record found so far



Possibly of Bay Tree Cottage in 1911

Son of John Richard Allsup and Elizabeth? 


A clerk at Cotton Spinning Mill


Found in a UCLAN file-

In September of 1914, John Ed Allsup, age 20, was enrolled at a College or University in Preston 

Studying a course:- Spg... Which I'm guessing is Spinning?


He was also an Assistant Overseer


Member of the Freemasons as of 1921


Living in Clayton le Woods in 1921


 he married Nellie Sharples


In 1939, he was a General Manager at the  Bamber Bridge Spinning & Weaving Company Mill, Wesley Street

And also Head Air Raid Warden


He and Nellie had children Albert Edmund Allsup born on 10 June 1917 and John Sydney Allsup on 14 Dec 1930  


Living at 184 Brownedge Road, Lostock Hall as of this death in 1966


Could he be a cousin of the above Allsup's?




Edward Almond

Born in 1870

Age: 40

Reg no: 47954

Rank: Pte

17 Cheshire Regiment


Enlisted 9 December 1915 at Chorley. He was a Calico Printers Labourer

Lawrence Cotton would be the present


He would join the 17 Cheshire Regiment on 5 August 1916



Married Sarah Alice Marsden at St Andrews, Leyland in 1905.

Children are Elizabeth Ellen born 1909, Robert born 1911 and Thomas born 1914 



They lived at Delph Cottage, Whittle le Woods


Slight Deafness and Stiff movements


He was a member of the Bleachers Society


Discharged as surplus to Military Requirements on 21 January 1919




Horace Ambrose

Born 5 Sep 1899, Clayton le Woods



Reg no:


Can't confirm yet who he served with during WW1.







He lived at 25 Victoria Terrace, Clayton le Woods as of 1911.


Married Elsie Alice Yates on 1 November 1924 at Brindle Parish Church

Horace was a Weaver and Lived at Holt Lane Farm and Elsie was a Farmer 



Elsie Margaret Ambrose, babt 25 Jul 1926 St James, Brindle

Peter Yates Ambrose, babt 28 Sep 1930 St James, Brindle



In 1939 they still lived at Holt Lane Farm, Brindle.


Horace was a Poultry Farmer.


He was also an Air Raid Warden During WW2.





Edwin Ainsworth

Born in 1894, Blackburn 



Reg no:


Can't confirm yet who he served with in WW1



His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914-1915 Roll of Honour





Son of John and Margaret Ainsworth, Brother is Herbert, 


Living at 2 County Terrace, Clayton le Woods


A Cotton Mill Clerk in 1911


Think he was living in Blackpool in 1939



Matthias Astley

Born in 1879, Whittle le Woods

Age: 36

Reg no:  33032

Rank: Pte

8 Welsh Regiment


Also posted to 19th Welsh Regiment




He was a member of the first team of bell ringers at St John's


Enlisted possibly on 4 August 1915

It looks like he was serving in the Balkan Campaign 

He was Demobilized on 27 February 1919


He was a Printworks Labourer in 1911 

Living at Waterhouse Green

Married to Ada Withnell


Interesting to see William West KIA is bordering there as I've found out he and Matthias Astley were brother-in-laws



Matthias Astley died about 1926


The picture showing Matthias on the left, is kindly provided by Colin Moorcroft who recently sent me an email and some pictures




Thomas Baker


His name is on the Roll of Honour for 1914 - 1915





This could be an error in being written down wrong at the time 

Instead it could be Thomas Bowker








Henry (Frederick) Bamber

Also known as Harry

Born 1883, Whittle le Woods

Age: 33 343589

Rank: Pioneer

Royal Engineers, Transportation Branch


Ended up as a Pioneer in the Inland Water Transport, Royal Engineers



He Enlisted on 25 February 1916 at Chorley and was put into Reserve the day after.

On 19 March 1918, he was mobilized at posted to the Royal Engineers on 21 March 1918


Lived at 14 Bridge Street, Whittle le Woods


Cotton Weaver as Trade


Married Lilian Malley

Children, Annie was born on 23 December 1916


Demobilized on 6 November 1919, transferred to class Z army reserve


Henry F Bamber died on 22 February 1961 and his wife Lilian died a few months later on 13 August 1961


They are buried at Hoghton Methodist, Hoghton 


As of 14 August 2023-

There is a Fred Bamber on the Whittle le Woods 1914-1915 Roll of Honour but the above person only enlisted in 1916, so I believe there may now be another similarly named person.



William Bamber

Age: 29, 8 months

Reg no: 24631

Rank: Pte

10 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment



5ft, 5 1/2

Church of England 



William Bamber married Norah Fairbrother in 1913 at St John The Evangelist, Whittle le Woods


Before enlisting, William Bamber was employed at Wood Milne Rubber Company


William Bamber Enlisted on 10 December 1915 at Leyland and moved to Army Reserve on 11 December 1915.

He qualified as a bomber on 23 March(?) 1916

He is then mobilized on 1 July 1916, and is posted to the 3rd Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment on 3 July 1916.

Being posted to the 25 Base Depot in France on 13 September 1916

He is posted to the 10 Loyal North Loyal Regiment on 29 September 1916

Then posted again to (illegible writing, possibly LNL, meaning Loyal North Lancashire) "D" on 1 June 1917


As of 18 October 1917, he is being discharged from Norfolk War Hospital, Thorpe, Norfolk 


Discharged on 29 October 1917 because of GSW on Right Arm caused on 11 April 1917

Being no longer physically fit for war service


After he is discharged he was seeking light work, near home


And had a pension of 27/6


Loyal Order Society?



Lived at 22 Swansea Lane, Whittle le Woods 





Percy Bamber

Born on 20 Nov 1894, Whittle le Woods

Age: 23

Service no: F43987







Percy Bamber is a Grocer's Assistant in 1911 and aged 16 living at Bridge Street, Whittle le Woods.

His parents are Henry Bamber and Sarah Whitehead

They had 6 children as of 1911

Edith, Arnold, Elizabeth, Miles, Herbert and Percy



As of Enlistment he is a Grocer by trade


Served on\at HMS President II from 18 December 1917 until 31 March 1918.

with RNAS

Then with the RAF at Lowestoft as of 1 April 1918 until 22 November 1918

B W Medal ? and LS and GCM w.e.f  as of 18 December 1935 




Married Amelia Cross in 1920


Lived at Watkin Rd in 1939, a Grocer




Related to him via a marriage on PEEL side




Thomas Barton

Born 1885 in Brindle

Age 30


Reg no: T/1733, also 96714


11 Royal Welsh Fusiliers




First, enlisted into West Lancashire Reserves on 7 November 1904?

Discharged to join regular ASC


At time of Demobilization, he was with Royal Welsh Fusiliers


Married Mary Jane Hopwood at St Mary's, Brownedge on 2 June 1906

But Widowed by the time of enlistment!

Children are, John, Agnes, Robert, Thomas, Mary Jane, Catherine?

Living at Bridge Street, Whittle le Woods

And Union Street during the time of Enlistment


At the time of Demobilization, he stated his address was 1 Radburn Brow, Clayton Green on 30 April 1919

His son John was at the St Vincents Orphanage in Preston



Served at Home and Salonika



Thomas Beaver 

Born: 1881

Age: about 34

Rank: Pte

Reg No: 21662

19 Machine Gun Corp



Was he a Preston Pal?

Did he join D Coy?


He Enlisted on 17 July 1915, with the 7 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment as 13745 and later joined the 19th Machine Gun Corp


His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour


Could never find any other proof until scouring through pages and pages of ancestry to come across him by chance!


So hope it's the correct Thomas Beaver!


His pension record says he lived at Paradise Row, Chorley Old Road, Whittle le Woods


In 1911 there is Thomas Beaver age 30, a Domestic Gardener and married to a Mary Jane Hopwood

Married in 1908

And they have 1 surviving child, Maggie Beaver out of 3 children born. 


Mary Jane Hopwood is connected to Arthur Bloggs via Sister Ellen's marriage 


Transferred to Army Reserve and Demobilized on 25 February 1919




George Bishop


His name is on the Whittle le Woods Roll of Honour 1914 - 1915



No record of him so far







Richard Blackburn- Updated on 26\1\2025

Born 1887, Brinscall

Age: 29

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 53465

W C Labour Corp


Also 78337 Kings Liverpool Regiment, possibly the 8th Battalion


He enlisted on 8 December 1915


His name is on the wounded list WAR OFFICE WEEKLY CASUALTY LIST, MARCH 12th, 1918. Daily List of March 4th, 1918


Entitled to wear a "Wound Stripe" as authorized under Army Order 204 of 6th July 1916


Discharged on 23 May 1918


He did serve overseas, but I don't know where maybe in France 


Living at the Navigation Inn, Whittle le Woods


Same address in 1921, a Stone Quarryman, at Waring Bros, Quarry Masters, Brinscall

Married Hannah Gardner ?










Arthur Blogg

Born 24 February 1880

Age 40

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 27645

10 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 



Married Ellen Hopwood in 1904


Whilst serving overseas in WW1 


He Enlisted on 21 July 1916 and was Discharged on 19 November 1917


According to his Pension Ledger, Arthur Blogg suffered from Chronic Hepatitis that led to a coma


He died on 28 April 1921  



Adam Blogg 

Born 1896

Age: 18

Reg no: 23219, (RE)360904

Rank: Pte \ Pioneer

11th Kings Liverpool Regiment and 14th Signal Company, Royal Engineers


Enlisted at Chorley on 14th November 1914



Saw action in the Somme, Ypres, and other key battles,

But as with many soldiers said very little about his experiences so I've been told.


He joined the Kings Liverpool Regiment and was posted to the 15 Battalion as a Pte on 21 November 1914

At some point, after that date, he is posted to the 11 Battalion, again as Pte.


In 1915 the 11 Kings Liverpool Regiment, became a Pioneer Battalion


By 22 August 1917, he was promoted (appointed and paid) to L/cpl after Walter Ridyard was Killed in Action the day before


On his transfer to the Royal Engineers, he reverts to Pte. and is given the number 360904

Given the rank of Pioneer

Adam was a Signaler in the 14(? hard to read) Signal Company, Royal Engineers as of 25th April 1918.

Passed his Signal test, 1st Class Signaller


As of 5 June 1918, he is with the 6 1/C Royal Engineers, section


Transferred to class "Z" army reserve on demobilization on 11th July(?) 1919


As of his discharge, he  is living at 5 Tootell Terrace


Brother of above


Father is Barness Blogg



After the war ended Adam Blogg got back into athletics 

As of 1921 when the harrier (running) section started to take form in Leyland he was a keen participant 


An extract from the Leyland Historical Society-



Over the next three years, Cross Country (CC) 
competitions were held against Preston Harriers, 
Lancaster Harriers, Pilkington's (St Helens), Horwich 
R.M.I. Harriers, Clayton-le-Moors, Lancaster 
Primrose, Lancaster Freehold and Chorley. Leading 
runners in the nineteen-twenties were Adam Blogg 
and R. C. Stansfield.

Blogg had learnt his apprenticeship at running 
with Whittle-le-Woods Harriers before the first 
World War where he had challenged William West and Lee Taylor for top honours.

Both William West and Lee Taylor lost their lives in the war.
Blogg joined Bolton Harriers after Whittle le Woods Harriers disbanded in the early 1920s. In 1926 
he had been a member of the running team in the East Lancs CC Championship.


In February 1929, Leyland Motors played host to 
the West Lancashire CC Championship, quite an 
achievement for such a young club. The course was at Farington over a lap consisting of ploughed 
and pasture land and held in wretched weather so that the Lancashire Evening Post reported: ‘ 
was ‘a severe test of the runners’ stamina, and the rain made the ploughed land very sticky, and 
grassland offered very little advantage owing to the fact that it was soon churned up.
In the youths’ race, Andrew Berry finished the eighteenth while in the senior race over ten miles, 
Adam Blogg finished the thirteenth.




Died 1987



James Baxendale

Born c1898

Age: 18

Reg no: 4044

Rank: Sgt

8 Royal Irish Regiment






He also served with the 9 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, as Cpl,  Reg no 13523 as of 25 September 1915


His name is listed in the Manchester Evening News on Thursday 01 June 1916 for the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment


Heavy losses for Lancashires and Cheshires 

Heavy Local Casualties Reported by War Office



Transferred to A Reserve as of 18 March 1919


He lived in Lukes Row, Whittle le Woods in 1911



Brother of Philip Baxendale KIA




Lawrence Baxendale

Born 1894

Age: 22

Reg no: 229161

Rank: Pte

657 HS Employment Company, attached 2nd Reserve Cavalry Regiment

Labour Corp


Enlisted on  9 December 1915


Serving in Newbridge, Co Kildare Ireland


Discharged due to Diseased Cavical glands on 19 March 1918


He lived at 11 Dickinson Terrace, Whittle le Woods as of enlistment


Employed as a Coal Bagger


Father is Robert Baxendale


Died 1975, Back Lane




20 AUG 1972 • 171 Chorley Old Road, Whittle-le-Woods




William Baxendale




Reg No:






His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour


No real trace of him yet! But a William Baxendale is living at Bridge Street, Whittle le Woods in 1915

Electoral Roll





John Bell - updated as of 23\3\2024



Rank: Pte

Reg No: 207774

Labour Corp


Name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour


Previously 19619, 8 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment


Enlisted as of 25 September 1915


Served in France


Discharged or Demobilized on 27 Feb 1919 possibly due to an injury



I have found a John Bell living at North Bank, Whittle le Woods between 1914 and 1916 in the Electoral Register


More clues

In 1921 John Bell was living at Butcher's Row, Whittle le Woods

Born 1894 Grimsargh

Married to Margaret Moorcroft at St Peter's, Chorley

Children, John 1915 and William 1919, Irene 1923


Builders Labourer in 1921 at Leyland Construction


No record of him yet only a Pension Record which says he was living at Bridge Street, Whittle le Woods


GSW Left Wrist




James Berry

Born 1882, Wheelton 


Rank: Pte

Reg no: 601854

Labour Corp


formerly 40446 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 



Disability \ Injury


His Pension Records show he was at 7 Swansey Lane, Whittle le Woods



There is a James Berry born in 1882, Wheelton in the 1921 Census

Living at Clayton le Woods




John Bishop

Age: 27 and 1 month

Rank: Pte

Reg no:77887




He enlisted on 2 November 1915 at Chorley and then joined up at Aldershot



About mid-1916 It looks like he was also transferred to the 33rd Squadron RFC at Gainsboro during his service



He lived at Chorley Old Road and was a Labourer

Married Alice Riley on 9 December 1911 at St John's Church, Whittle Le Woods Nr Chorley.


Discharged from the Military Hospital, Kirkham on 14 November 1918 as no longer fit for war service with

Infection of the stomach.


Received the Silver War Badge


Within John Bishop records it states on a letter replied he served 3 years and 13 days in the RAMC   



Arnold (Ainsworth) Blackwell

Born c1891

Age: 24, 10 months

Rank: Sapper

Reg no: 241240

8 Provost Coy, Royal Engineers


Before enlisting he was a Joiner. 



And it appears he did the same occupation, during service from 5\2\1917 until 12\9\1919


 He enlisted on 9 December 1915 at Chorley,


Army Reserved as of 10 December 1915

According to his service record, he was serving as part of the NREF in 1919, also known as the North Russian Expeditionary Force 

Mobilized on 5 February 1917 as Sapper (Carpenter and Joiner, Superior)

On 23 February 1917, he was transferred to the 487th East Anglican Field Company, Royal Engineers

On 5 November 1917, he was transferred again to 492nd  Field Company, Royal Engineers with a promotion to a/Cpl

He reverts to Sapper

OC Unit - As of 9 November 1918, he is Attd to No 2 Hospital 

Returns to Unit on 17 January 1919

On 10 May 1919 with 492nd Field Company, he is again promoted to a/2\Cpl

On 28 July 1919 after being ill, he was admitted to the 134th Field Ambulance, suffering from Diarrhoea at Meduya(?)

On 1 August 1919, he is Discharged to duty, at Gora (?)

10 August 1919 he is sent home to England on HMS Izar (?), via Murmansk.


On 16 August 1919, he joined the 8 Provost Coy, Royal Engineers, as 2/Cpl


Transferred to Class Z, Army Reserve upon Demobilization on 11 October 1919




Extracted from his record-


Brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for War, by Gen H S, Lord Rawlinson, for valuable and distinguished services rendered in conjunction with the operations in North Russia during the period

1st March to 12th October 1919

London Gazette, 3\2\1920 


In 1939 he was living with his wife Pheobe and daughter Margaret on Preston Road



Arnold was a Joiner Builder, and Pheobe, Unpaid Domestic Duties, and Margaret was at school


Member of Whittle Harriers


His father was James Blackwell, of Preston New Road, Clayton le Woods 




Victor (Boothman) Blackwell

Born c1894 in Clayton le Woods

Age: 21

Rank: Pte then L/Cpl

Reg no:14504

4 Kings Liverpool Regiment


Served in France



His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914-1915 Roll of Honour



Date of Disembarkation is 4 March 1915


He was Demobilized I think in 1919


Brother of above and Reginald Blackwell KIA




John Blackledge

Born 1899, Whittle le Woods

Age: 18, 2 months

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 55683

B Coy, 22 Labour Battalion.Cheshire Regiment


Enlisted at Chorley on 22 May 1916


Transferred as 280829, to 299 Labour Coy on 30 July 1917


Transferred to Class Z Army Reserve on Demobilization on 1 December 1919


He was living at Town Lane, Whittle le Woods


His father was Thomas Blackledge



John Bowling

Born 1894


Reg no: 204053, other numbers 042079, 55635

Rank: Driver, Cpl, Sgt


100 Field Ambulance, 33 Division


Also 204053

With the A H LD as 042079, a Farrier Cpl



John Bowling Enlisted on 9 January 1915 at Chorley as T4 / 042079

Single and no children


His trade is a Driver, Team man


He joined at Aldershot on 12 January 1915

And is attached to 227, 33 Divisional Train

He is promoted up to Act/Cpl and then S/Sgt as of 16 October 1915 and reverts, by his request back to Dvr

On the same day appointed Act/Cpl and embarks to France I believe about 17 November 1915 via Southampton 

Disembarked on 18 November 1915 in Havre, France

On 30 November 1915 is promoted again

From 15 February 1916(until 27 October 1918), he is still with 100 FA and he was promoted to Farrier Corporal

At some point, he was with the 16 Battalion, Kings Liverpool, with the No: 55635 and left them at Prescott on 16 March 1917 for Agricultural Substitution work for 5 weeks

At the end of this, he reports back to his unit

The first week of May 1917, he is transferred to duty at Blands Yard, Cardiff, with the Forage Dept ASC for 10 weeks.

Last week in July 1917, he was transferred to Horse Transport in the same Dept.

Reported to O.C. 7 Coy, 17 Droitwich Road, Worcester on 31 December 1918 to be discharged




Demobilized on 1 June 1919 and transferred to Class "Z" Army Reserve


Living at White Hill Farm


Father is Ralph Bowling to help distinguish the John Bowlings !!


His profile was updated as of 25 November 2022



Walter Bowling

Born 1895, Chorley 


In 1921 still in Whittle le Woods


Could have married May Hall in 1919 at St. Paul, Withnell


His name is on the Whittle le Woods 191-1915 Roll of Honour


Could be him?


Possible Brother of below


Town Lane in 1911


 In 1939


Died in 1956






William Bowling



Rank: Driver

Reg no: 67193



Enlisted on 19 December 1914 at Chorley

Joined at Preston


As of 3 November 1915, he was serving with 20 Reserve Battalion, RFA


Admitted to 7 Canadian GH with GSW to Back and Chest penetrated at Etaples, also Abdomen  on 4 May 1917


In Rouen on 19 April 1919 when he is demobilized.


Trade was a Weaver 

Lived at Town Lane, Whittle le Woods


Father is James Bowling to help distinguish the Bowlings !!






William E Borsay

Age: 33

Reg No: 19378

Rank: Pte

14 Kings Liverpool Regiment


Enlisted at Southport or Liverpool on 7 September 1914



Served in France and Salonika


Debility following malaria


Discharged on 13 February 1919 from Army Service Corps S/445498


Lived at Swansey Lane


Lived at 33 Church Hill, Whittle le Woods as of his death on 16 January 1965 



Possibly married Marjorie Grime.




Sydney (Arthur) Bradley

Born in 1893


Reg no: 204331

Rank: L/Sgt

4 South Lancashire


Church House\Cottage, Whittle le Woods in 1911


Parents were Frederick Justice Bradley and Mary Hoddy

He married Annie Whalley


He lived at Fern Villa, as of him being Demobilized on 2 May 1919


According to his Pension Ledger, he suffered from a GSW to his right leg and DAH



Died in 1978





John Brindle


Age: 30 years 9 months

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 39905

3 (Garrison) Cheshire Regiment


The 3rd Battalion was a training unit and remained in the UK throughout the war, providing drafts for other battalions, although it also took part in the Mersey Defences at Birkenhead


He was a Warehouseman and Cloth Looker and of good character


Married Ann Young and had two known children-, William, in 1914 and Walter James in 1915 both born at Mount Pleasant


He enlisted on 11 December 1915 at Chorley and was still living at Mount Pleasant as of enlisting


He may have joined in Preston


He was put up to a medical board examination and the report dated 22 November 1916 states his cause of discharge as Physically unfit, Disseminated Sclerosis

Not fit before he joined the service, Preston

His vision is very defective. He is not able to walk in the dark, except with difficulty.

Not a result of & not aggravated by service.



Discharged on 13 December 1916 at Shrewsbury as no longer physically fit for war service




Nicholas Brindle

Born in Clayton le Woods in 1894


Rank: Pte

Reg no: 13294

7 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 


Was he a Preston Pal?

Did he join D Coy?



Lived in Clayton Green in 1911 age 18, and was a Chauffeur.

He was living with his mother Winifred and sisters, Mary, Ellen, and Jane



Disembarked on the same day as Edmund Fiddler on 17 July 1915


Class Z res and Demobilized on 21 February 1919


He was still living in Clayton le Woods




Peter Brindle

Born 9 December 1881, Clayton le Woods

Age: 34

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 250868

Labour Corp





Peter Brindle Enlisted on 9 December 1915

He was mobilized and Joined at Preston on 12 July 1917


Discharged on 11 November 1917 as no longer physically fit for war service due to a Hernia that originated in 1897, when he was lifting a weaving skip.


Lived at Chorley Old Road


Married Catherine Rachel Brindle and had children John and Clara.

Weaver by Trade





William Rawlinson Brindle


Age: 23, 8 months

Rank: Pte, L Cpl

Reg no: 64800

9 Battalion MGC


May have been in B or D coy




Enlisted on 9 December 1915 at Chorley

John (A ?) Allsup as witness

He is living at 14 Rock Villa Rd as of Enlistment

Mother is Annie Rawlinson Brindle


8 Reserve Battery RFA on 11 January 1916


Then transferred on 17 June 1916 to  the 21st,  Reserve Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers

Before it and 22nd (Reserve) Battalion converted into the 72nd and 73rd Training Reserve Battalions in the 17th Reserve Brigade


On 1 September 1916, he was transferred to the 72nd Training Reserve Battalion

Then on 17 October 1916 tranferred to the M.G.C


Joined on 4 January 1916


10 February 1917

Joined 44th 


6 May 1917- When on active service-


a) Absent from 2 pm parade

b) Stating a falsehood to a warrant officer

7 days FP


On 26 May 1917, he transferred and posted to 46 Coy 


12 November 1918 - WOAS Being absent from the parade until apprehended by military police

Hard to read ?? days CB



8 November 1918 WOAS -  Untidy on guard

1 extra guard duty


11 January 1919- He is with 15 Battalion


On 6 April 1919, he was transferred and posted to the 9 Battalion


14 April 1919 WOAS-  Absent from parade at 14.00 hrs

7 days FP



He is Demobilized as of 30 August 1919

6\10\1919 ?



Plenty of information on his service record still to look at




William Brindle 

Born in c1898

Rank: Pte \ Rifleman

Reg no: 50720

2/6  (Rifle) Battalion, Kings Liverpool Regiment






Joined the Battalion on 18 August 1917, when the Battalion received a draft of 384 men some had been destined for the 2/8th KLR.

They were inspected on 21st August by Brigadier-General Bray.


William Brindle as "Wounded" on 13 November 1917,  at Louches


It was described as a time of rest for the Battalion, trips out to Calais or the baths at Nielle

However, they still did plenty of training and I am wondering if William Brindle may have been wounded by accident


His Pension Record shows he suffered from a GSW Scalp, a Depressed Fractured Skull


Discharged on 20 May 1918


6 Ribblesdale Terrace


Possible son of Thomas Brindle and Elizabeth Walmsley




Willie Brown

Born 1888, Manchester 



Reg no:



His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour



Son of Joseph and Martha Brown


Willie Brown was a Print Labourer in 1911 at the local Calico Printers


He was Married To Esther in c1911 and had no children as of the 1911 census


They lived at Mount Pleasant


Still alive in 1939






Joseph Burton

Born on 18 September 1891

Age: 26

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 45058

WCLC, Labour Coy


Formerly in  Labour coy, Kings Liverpool, possible no 69453



Joseph Burton Enlisted on 9 December 1915



He was Discharged on 27 May 1918 and he had served overseas


Entitle to Silver War Badge



Joseph Burton died on 18 February 1921 of Heart Failure

He suffered from Pulmonary Tuberculosis 


His Wife was Eliza and they lived at 2 Dickinson Terrace

But on the pension card, it says she may have been deceased

A possible daughter or relation called Emma Pickup is also named



William Burscough

Born 1898, Brindle


Rank: Pte

Reg no:

15 Kings Liverpool Regiment


His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour 



His name is included with fellow Whittlers with the 15 Kings Liverpool Regiment and listed as AWOL



The only person who comes to a close match lived at St Helens Fold, Brindle in 1911.

Son of Thomas Burscough and Alice Baron

In the 1921 census, he is at home at Manor House Farm, Clayton Green, with his mother Agnes, a Widow

Siblings are Lucy, Isabella, William, John

They are all Cotton Weavers at J N Boothmans, Swansey Mill


His Brother, Thomas Burscough (who also served, I need to check! And will have to create a new profile)

In 1921, living in Whittle le Woods at 2 Swansey Fold.

He was a Cotton Weaver at J N Boothman, Swansey Mill 

He was married to Mary E Moon (1916), and she was also a Cotton Weaver, at  J N Boothman, Swansey Mill 



I have a Newspaper clipping from the 1930s

And a family picture, also showing Albert Jackson, another Whittle soldier.



Charles Herbert Cadden

Born 1887 Shifnal, Shropshire

Died 1949

Rank: Pte

Reg no: GS/116019

Royal Fusiliers




He also served in


HQ Co 31 Div Train

RASC - Driver T4/160021

1 Co 31 Div Train


In 1901, he was with his parents, Robert, a Butler, and Mary.

They were living at Homewood Cottages in Hensingham, Cumberland 




Before the war, Charles Cadden, or "Charlie",  had been a Groom at Shaw Hill


Married Amelia (Millie) Pass, Daughter of Henry Pass, Licensee of the Old Millstone Inn


Mabel Cadden

Molly Caden


And as of 1934, living at Millstone house, Whittle le Woods 



Frank Cannon, Francis Cannon UNDER AGE

Born 7 June 1899

Age: 18 ?........... Nice Try Frank

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 32791

2/4 Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment






Frank Cannon enlisted on 17 April 1915 at Chorley stating he was 18 years old


His birthday is supposed to be 7 June 1899 if correct then he was 15 years, 10 months, 11 days when he enlisted.


He would be Discharged on 17 September 1915 as found to be underage being only 16 years and 1 month!


However as of his Discharge, if his date of birth is correct then his age was 16 years, 3 months, 11 days


He managed 6 months of service



However on 3\1\2021 whilst sifting through the newspaper, looking at casualties I found his name again in the War Office Daily List of July 18th, part of the Weekly Casualty List (War Office & Air Ministry ) - Tuesday 23 July 1918.



8 Oct 1918, War Office Daily List No.5690


Entitled to wear a "Wound Stripe" as authorized under Army Order 204 of the 6th of July 1916


He must have re-joined when old enough and was serving as Pte 74429, 1/7 Manchester Regiment, and been wounded



Frank and the other Cannons below are Brothers of John Cannon KIA on the war memorial



As of 24 May 2020, I have discovered that Frank, or Francis as he was also known lived in Whaley Bridge until his death in about 1974

He had married Lois Gertrude Irving in 1926, at Blackpool, the sister of fellow Whittler Jame B Irving, another local who came back from the war 

Took in some evacuee children during WW2, surname Priest 


The picture is c1974 



James Cannon

Born on 2 June 1893

Age: 24

Reg no: 38306

Rank: Pte

3 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment


Enlisted 2 July 1917


He lived at Shaw Brow, Whittle le Woods



Discharged being no longer physically fit for war service on 26 October 1917 due to VHD (Heart) According to the medical report.


Originated 6 years previously and not as a result or aggravated by military service.


James was a hairdresser. 


In 1920 he married Alice Cowburn at the Corley Reg Office 

Possible children-

Mary Joan, 1921

Mary Angela 1929



He died in 1957.





Hermon (J) Cannon

Born 1896

Age: about 19

Reg no: 12532

Rank: Gdsm

1 Irish Guards


Also Royal Horse Guards as Tpr 2025




Hermon Enlisted on 13 August 1915


His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour 



Possibly Demobilised on 29 March 1919



He enlisted in the Royal Horse Guards as 2025, a Trooper 


He landed in France about 13 August 1915 and then transferred to the 1st Irish Guards as 12532. 

The Irish Guards we attached to the 2nd Guards Brigade in the Guards Division


Fishwick Terrace, Whittle le Woods. 


In 1920 he married Mary Carey (b. 1896 in Glossop).  


Looking at the 1921 census it looks like Hermon Joseph Cannon, born in 1895, in Glossop, Derbyshire

Living in the parish of Poulton Barre & Torrisholme


He died in 1967.


Brother of the above




William Cannon

Born 1891

Age: about 24 in 1915

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 15160

11th East Lancashire Regiment (Accrington Pals)


His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour



Wounded at Serre in July 1916


Lived at Waterhouse Green, Whittle le Woods


Was a frequent member of the St Chad church


Married Frances Cuerden (sister of Austin Cuerden - below)


Son John Cannon was born in c1920


Died on 21 April 1966



Other Cannon Brothers see above



Edwin Carter


Age: 30

Reg no: 14304

Rank: Pte

17 Service Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers


His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour



Edwin Carter Enlisted on 1 December 1914

Joined at Bury on 2 January 1915


He is living at Swansea Fold on Enlistment

Father is James Carter



27 Sep 1916

Listed as "Wounded" on the Casualty List issued by the War Office.

This man was entitled to wear a "Wound Stripe" as authorized under Army Order 204 of 6th July 1916.



His name is on the wounded list for the Lancashire Fusiliers in the Daily list for 20th September 1917

within the Weekly Casualty List (War Office & Air Ministry ) - Tuesday 25 September 1917


Discharged as no longer physically fit on 17 April 1918




William Carter

Born in 1893, Whittle le Woods



Reg no:



His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour




Son of James and Annie Carter

And Brother of the above soldier

Lived at Swansea Fold in 1911.

They were a family of 11 and all worked in Cotton and Calico printing.   



Enlisting between 1914 and 1915





Richard Chadwick

Age: 24

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 11245

Coldstream Guards



Enlisted on 30 August 1914 at Blackburn



Joined the 4th Battalion Coldstream Guards

Promoted to L/Cpl on 11 November 1914

Posted with the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards on 24 February 1915

Knocked back down to Pte on 23 March 1915

Posted with the 5th Battalion Coldstream Guards on 8 November 1918

GSW to buttock on 4 November 1918 in the field

Transferred to  Class Z for demobilization on 22 June 1919


He was a Papermaker


Richard is the brother of Thomas R Chadwick KIA on the memorial.


Son of Edmund and Martha Chadwick




James Christian

Born c1877 in Leeds, Yorkshire

Reg no: 12433

Rank: Pte

8 Border Regiment



5ft 2


Labourer at Trade


He Enlisted on 7 September 1914, Joined at Preston


Lived at the "Barracks", Whittle le Woods in 1911, a Printworks Labour

9 Bridge Street, Whittle le Woods as of enlistment



Discharged on 28 May 1915 for being no longer physically for war service


Disordered action of the heart, started 4 years previous after fainting at work


He states he fell down in a faint in his works four years ago and had to be carried out and since then he has been subject to attacks of shortness of breath. Palpitations and faintness on any over-exertion 


Dyspepsia from Chronic Alcoholism


His wife is Sarah Ann Tindall

Married on 1 August 1897 at St Barnabas, Holbeck, Leeds

They had children Susannah, Edith, Ellen, Doris, Emily, and Lois







Albert Edward Clitheroe



Reg no: 98321

Rank: Pte

Machine gun corp


Enlisted on 10 December 1915





Suffered from Dysentery as of 17 January 1918


Believed to have been released as of 24 July 1918 still suffering.


Brother of Stanley, and Son of John Clitheroe both Killed in Aaction on the war memorial





Albert Clitheroe*

Born 1899



Reg no:



See below







Frank Clitheroe*

Born 1899



Reg no:


Both sons of Joseph and Isabella, living at Clayton Bottoms,


He lived next door to Daniel Slater and Frederick Leigh.


Nephews of John Clitheroe 







Thomas Clitheroe

Born 1893


Rank: Cpl

Reg: 15265

11 East Lancashire Regiment


Kings Liverpool Regiment as 48198


Disembarked on 19 December 1915


Tom Clitheroe Pte 15265. 11th East Lancs, wounded 1st July 1916, at Serre, he was injured in the head and arm. Then posted to the Kings Liverpools on recovery.

He was not entitled to the Star, as on the date of issue on his card he was sailing down the English Channel with the rest of the Pals on their way to Egypt.


This has been a long-standing argument since the war regarding entitlement to medals because Tom Clitheroe and the rest of the Regiment were on the ship and under fire and returned fire on an enemy submarine that had engaged them

Clearly " in a theatre of war before 31st of December 1915"




Served in the Balkan Campaign



Parents are Robert and Alice nee Walsh. of Shaw Brow in 1911



I believe I am related to Thomas "Tom" Clitheroe, 

His Grandmothers maiden name is PEEL




Fred Cuncannon

Age: 29

Reg no: 165741

Rank: Gunner

472 Siege Battery, RGA


Married  to Sarah Jane Miller on 18 April 1911 at St John's, Whittle le Woods


Had a Daughter called Bessie in 1917


Enlisted from 4 December 1915 in Whittle le Woods

Paperwork signed by Lawrence Cotton! 


Demobilized on 23 October 1919


A letter dated 16 January 1919 to the Army from Robert Peel says he would welcome back Fred Cuncannon into his employment on his return to civil life! 



He lived at Shaw Brow and his Trade is a Grocer's Assistant


Just a quick glance through his record and I discovered that he was employed by ROBERT PEEL.

And as I am related to the PEEL's, I believe this to be the Robert Peel of 1 Rock Villa Road, Chorley Old Road.





Thomas Corless* - Need to double-check





All brothers and I think some moved to Canada after 1911. Serving in Canadian forces etc






Alfred Corless*

Reg no: 25507

Grenadier Guards until c1920 










Arthur Corless*














Nuttall Cotton

Born c1894

Died 8 February 1921


He is also known as James Nuttall Boothman Cotton


 After joining up between 1914 - 1915, he was injured in a training exercise and transferred out.

And died 8 February 1921 



Son of Lawrence Cotton who died a few months later on 7 May 1921



Married Gladys Harling in 1918 and their daughter Frances Coatsworth Cotton was born in 1918



At the time of his death on his probate, they were living at Edenhurst, Preston New Road, Blackburn

Effects £1074 7s 6d



Brother of John Cotton Killed in Action on the memorial




James Coupe

Age: 29, 10 months

Reg no: 435670

Rank: Pte

Kings Own Regiment






Prior to enlisting, he worked as a Solid Tyre Builder

He enlisted on 8 December 1915 and was mobilized on 7 April 1916

He is at 23 Infantry Base and then posted 1 Battalion at Etaples on 16 March 1917

To "D Company",  1 Battalion "In the Field" on the same day

He is wounded on 10 April 1917 and admitted to 27 Field Amb with a "burns wound"

The day on the 11 April 1917, he is sent to 18 General Hospital with "burned back" whilst fighting at Pomiers

Sent back to the UK on the 13 April 1917 and joins the 535 Employment Company \ Labour Corp on 23 October 1917

Then 362 Res Company

Compulsory transferred to the ASC (MT)  on 6 March 1918

Passed the learner test for a senior vulcanizer on 15 April 1918 

Possibly Transferred to 978 Coy, RASC, no 275885


Transferred to Class Z, Army Reserve when demobilised on the 25 September 1919,  age 34 and was noted with disability due to the effects of being burned.



Married Margaret Ellen Slater on 2 September 1918 at St Chad's


Lived at 1 Spring Bank, Wheelton later at the end of the war


His mother was called Margaret, living at Town Lane, Whittle le Woods on enlistment


As of 27 May 2020, I discovered there are two James Coupes serving in the war from whittle le woods

The NEW James Coupe is now added to the Returned to Duty extra names A - Z  list



John Cowell

Possibly born in 1893, Chorley


Rank: Pte

Reg no: 23210

14 Kings Liverpool Regiment 

18 Kings Liverpool Regiment 


15 Kings Liverpool ?



His name is on Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour


Disembarkation into France on 25 September 1915


Paradise Row, Whittle le Woods


mother is Alice Cowell


His Parents are Thomas Cowell and Alice ?


Sister, Margaret


Death: 21 September 1921 of Disease (?)



I found the above in a list of local men in the same Regiment that had gone AWOL in the 15 Kings Liverpool


However, just to make me suffer, I have discovered there are at least two other John Cowells living in Clayton le Woods\Whittle le Woods as of 1911


Within the age range of serving! 



There is John Cowell c1880, of Brownley Street in 1911 who married Margaret Heatley and had a Daughter called Rose in 1909.

Brother-in-law of William Heatley, Which makes him related to me!


The other is John Cowell c1870, a Cotton Weaver of County Terrace in 1911, married to Margaret Cranshaw









James Craven-  His service record needs a good read-through!

Born in 1888

Age: 25 and 10 months 

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 14303 other number 3436930

1 Lancashire Fusiliers


Also 127, 4 Btn LNLR




There seemed to be a lot of confusion with his records at the time of service, so I will try and extract the information and piece it together.

Possibly his name was confused with another soldier called Clayton.

Apart from that, his service record includes pages regarding several AWOL, disciplinary, and a court martial and a letter from his wife


He Enlisted as No:127 on the 3rd of August 1914 at Chorley and served with the 4th Loyal North Lancashire Regiment until the 5th of December 1914.

When he was Discharged for being Medically Unfit after serving 125 days

Suffering from inflammation of the Lymphatic Gland, Chronic

The right side of the neck.


The records say he re-enlisted on 29 December 1914 and he joined the 17 Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers at Bury

He is promoted to L/cpl on 11 March 1915.

Reverted to Pte for being absent and forfeits 7 days pay, from 10 September 1915 to 16 September 1915.


Posted to France as of 28 January 1916

On 9 March 1916, he was tried and sentenced to 84 days FP for "Conduct to the Prejudice"

Negligently wounding himself in the right foot  

Awaiting trial from 27 February 1916 to 8 March 1916


Posted to Heaton Park as of 3 August 1916 and AWOL, three times between 6 April 1917 and 13 June 1917 

Posted to 3 Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers on 30 June 1916


Transferred to No 2 Coy, Depot, Lancashire Fusiliers as of about 20 November 1916 possibly with the number 14303

Became limbless at some point!

He is mentioned as wounded in the same advert as Paul Gent, dated 8 September 1916



Admitted to Pavilion General Hospital (Military Hospital), Brighton on 28/29 February 1919


Served in 1 Lancashire Fusiliers from 17 May 1919 when he is furloughed until 26 May 1919, and his address is Mount Pleasant, Whittle le Woods. (via letters from wife and army records)


Whilst a patient at the hospital he is charged with "Deserting his Majesty's Service" at 9 pm on 1 February 1920, and absented himself from the hospital until he surrendered on 3 April 1920. (31 days, 10 hours)



Also charged with neglecting his clothing and regimental necessaries.


He was charged with AWOL at least 10 times


On 9 December 1920, his wife wrote a letter to a commanding Officer I think

To ask when he will be getting discharged.

She wanted to know what he was up to, with his strange behavior! and wanted to ask him bout his ration money!

On traveling to Brighton to search for her husband, she finds he had been staying at another woman's house, and separation and divorce are talked about.  And that he was merely staying over and nothing was happening!

Mrs. Craven, once she returned home via a letter from her husband was told she had been causing a public scandal and he wanted to divorce her

Mrs.Craven decided to go for separation on the last page of her letter. 


The address was No 4 Mount Pleasant, Whittle le Woods


James Craven was Discharged from the Army on 22 December 1920


James Craven married Mary Jane Withnell, a Widow. At the Register Office, Burnley in 1915


Step Children are Fred (1901), Edith (1904), and Tom Withnell (1902)


I think her name was originally Mary Jane Worthington of Whittle le Woods



James Craven was the son of Hugh Craven and Annie Queen


Therefore I am related via Mary Jane Worthington as she previously was married to William Withnell


In the 1921 census, it looks like they worked things out and they are still together with the 3 step children

James Craven is described as a Disabled Soldier and pensioner.






Ronald Cross

Born on 9 May 1896, Pendleton

Age: about 18

Rank: Also known as Sir Ronald Hibbert Cross, 1st Baronet, KCMG, KCVO, PC

Rank: Second Lieutenant, then Temp Lieutenant as of 3 December 1915

Reg no:

Duke of Lancaster Own Yeomanry


2nd Lt in the 2nd line Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry.



His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour 



This man had a destiny already being laid out in front of him


The most famous person to be associated with Whittle le Woods served in WW1 and then had a very high-powered political career. during WW2, serving alongside Winston Churchill.


Joined in 1914 and was offered a Commission by the Colonel


Was in the No. 56 Training Squadron, Royal Flying Corps as of August 1917(?)

Flying Pups, Spad, S.E.5's


In England, the 56 Squadron, RFC had a bit of a reputation, however once over in France, it was a different story!


On 17 August 1917, he reported to London (Mason's Yard, Duke Street) to proceed overseas as a Spad pilot


He had only done 2 hours 40 minutes flying on Spads when he got orders but officially had to do 5 hours.

And to make this time up he did 4 hrs in the evening and another 1 hr, the day after


At this time there were only 2 SPAD squadrons in France, 19 and 23 Sqn

23 Sqn is meant to be the nicest, so he wrote off to the powers that be, whoever that was.


On 21 August 1917, Ronald Cross was already in France 


The RFC HQ was at Saint-Omer, France


And had a 200 hp scout, after 3 years he was getting his first views of the line


No 23 Squadron, RFC, was to be his squadron, looks like that letter did the trick...


On 29th August 1917, he would get his "baptism of fire"

Flying out with 2 others, they came up against 8 hun machines


On 12 September, his Flight Commander whilst talking to the CO (Grenfell ?) mentioned Ronald as "his best pilot"


On 18 September 1917, Ronald Cross led his first patrol

45 hours of service flying done


On the 20 September 1917, Whilst having a great day...strafing the trenches

Ronald Cross is up flying and comes across a German balloon, wanders off, and shoots at it


On 24 September 1917, his CO said that the 3 fellows and himself in the flight he led were the best he had in the squadron 


On or about 23 October 1917 he was credited with shooting down a German balloon (20th Sept), as stated in the Brigade summary


Between 24 October 1917 and 5 November 1917, having problems with blood pressure and heart he is sent to No. 24 General Hospital, Etaples, near Boulogne on Nov 1st, and as they couldn't get me well enough to go back to 23,


He was eager to get back to the Squadron and fighting 


Evacuated on 14th November


He is sent back to England, between then and 21 November 1917.


And is a patient at Mrs F.W. Salisbury-Jones Hospital for Officers, 27 Berkeley Square, Mayfair, W1J 6EL


It was an auxiliary hospital for convalescent officers, staffed by Mrs Salisbury-Jones, the Commandant and 2 trained nurses, 12 full time, 9 part time Voluntary Aid Detachment (VADs)



He also flew with Canadian Eddie McKay


They flew the DH2 and then SPADs


His family lived at Crooke Hall in 1911


His family are still there in 1917


Im guessing after November 1917, he is not sent back to France.  Need to check



He married Louise Marion Green-Emmott on the 7th of January 1925 at St Peter's parish church, Pimlico, Middlesex


Five children


Need to find a picture of him



George Crook




Reg no:



No record of him yet



Possible he lived at Brownley Street, with parents James and Mary





Alfred Crook




Reg no:



No record of him yet



There is an Alfred Crook living at Swansey Fold as of 1914 -1916






Austin Cuerden

Born in 1897, Whittle le Woods

Age: abt 18

Reg no: 15850

Rank: Pte

11th East Lancashire Regiment (Accrington Pals)


As a stroke of luck, I believe I have managed to find Austin Cuerden's name in the PALS book

(William Turner).

He is listed within the C Company list, as advertised in the Accrington Observer & Times on Tuesday, February 23, 1915.


In 1911, Austin Cuerden was aged 14  and living at home with his parents Henry and Mary Jane Cuerden, and siblings Henry, Francis, Wilfrid, Mary Jane, and Thomas.


In 1921, Austin Cuerden, aged 24, 4 months, is living at home with parents and siblings on Town Lane, Whittle le Woods


He is a Fitter's Labourer at a Motor Engineer, at Leyland Motors, Leyland






James Scott Curwen

Born in 1896, Whittle le Woods

Age: 19 and 4mths

Reg no: 044367

Rank: Driver

213 Coy RASC (Horse Transport)


No 1 Coy, 56 Divisional Train 


Enlisted 20 January 1915 at Chorley


Serving in France


As of 10 Septemeber 1915, he is admitted to County of London War Hospital at Epsom until 23 September 1915 suffering from "Nervous Shocks" Debility



Demobilized to "Class Z" on 3 July 1919


Living at Taylors Row, Whittle le Woods


Driver (Horse) by Trade



Father is William Curwen





Charles Dillon

Born 1877, St Helen's, Lancashire, England

Age: 34 and 7 months

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 1964

3 Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 





On 9\9\2023 I finally found him!

I decided to try looking at the 1921 Census to see if he was still alive and in the area

I found where he was born, and looked on Ancestry to see if he had a Service Record, which he does but it's very badly damaged.

But I managed to extract some information


He was a Labourer (General) and Jane was a Winder at a Cotton Mill

Living with children at 38 Victoria Street, Preston in 1911



He Enlisted on 20 June 1912 at Preston 


Served at Home from 20 June 1913 until 3 January 1915

France from 4 January 1915 until 15 June 1915

Served at Home from 6 June 1915 until 10 March 1917


He was serving with the 3 Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment


On 28 August 1914, he was promoted to L/Cpl

On 3 September 1914 again promoted to Cpl

On 1 January 1915, he was promoted to L/ Sergt


On 5 January he was posted to the 1 Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 


Tried by field general court martial (FGCM) on 18 January 1915 for Drunkeness, and sentenced to be reduced to the rank of Pte


Promoted to L/Cpl on 30 May 1915


Posted back to 3 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment on 16 June 1915


Promoted to A /Cpl on 6 September 1915



Attached for duty to Messrs' R Greenhough & Co Auchon, Brassworks, Leigh on 29 November 1915



Married Jane Walmsley on 28 July 1906 at St, Williams, Thornley

Children -

Joseph Charles, born 16 August 1908, Warrington 

Ellen, born 1909, Warrington 



Mentions Town Brow, Whittle le Woods on Service Records





Percy Dollin




Reg no:



His name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 -1915 Roll of Honour



No record of him yet


Nobody with that name in the 1921 census











Percy Dixon aka Percy Holgate Dixon

Born 18 Nov 1894, Workington, Cumberland



Reg no:  RAF 139453




He Enlisted on 25 November 1914

As Pte 4366, Border Regiment



He also served Pte 170673, Labour Corp


Enlisted in the RAF on 4 September?


Married Amy Laura Williamson in 1918, St John The Evangelist, Whittle-le-Woods



Discharged 26 April 1919 due to a GSW to the Chest



Ernest Alan Dixon was born in 1920

Amy Frances Dixon was born in 1921


Lived at The Square, Waterhouse Green when Discharged 



Living in Whittle le Woods as of 1921


In 1934 they lived at Union Street, Whittle le Woods

In 1939 they lived at East View, Preston Road


235 Preston Road, Clayton le Woods as of death


Died 8 June 1976




George (E) Desoer - Possible, but hard to tell which George Desoer



Rank: Pte

Reg no: 494349

Training Reserve

599 Agri Company


I think he enlisted on 29 June 1917

Demobilized on 28 February 1919


A Brewers Labourer

Lived at Waterhouse Green, Whittle le Woods in 1917

Married Eliza Seddon at St John's in 1911

The children are Selina, Thomas, George, and Lily


Their daughter Lily would die on 20 February 1918 age 9 months because of Whooping cough and Bronchitis. Certified by Dr. Charles Peddie






Alfred (Alf) Desoer

Born 17 December 1894


Service no: 5182

Royal Naval Reserve


The last ship he served on before demobilization was the Victory on 11.1917


Lived at Shaw Brow


Son of Richard and Elizabeth


In 1921, Alfred Desoer was age 26, 6 months and he was living at Shaw Brow, Whittle le Woods, with his parents.

Alfred Desoer was a Cotton Weaver at Messrs' Brindles Limited, a Cotton Manufacturer, at Kem Mill





John Edward Duckett

Born in c1877

Age: 39

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 41514

Labour corp


Formally Kings Liverpool 46329


Enlisted on 23 June 1916


Discharged as of 22 November 1917 after being wounded


In 1911 he is living at Bridge Street with his wife Sarah (nee Jackson) and children Margaret and Edward


Albert Jackson, Brother in Law, is also staying over and he also served in WW1


He was a Labourer in the Printworks


Died c1923




William Fairhurst


Age: 22 and 5 months

Reg no: 5184

Manchester Regiment


I think it could be the 17th Battalion


He enlisted at Chorley on 9th September 1914


5ft 4 1/2


He lived at 6 Rock Villa Road, Whittle le Woods


Father was called John Fairhurst.


Discharged for medical reasons - Spinal Disease


Discharged on 8 December 1914



James Fairhurst

Born in 1895, Clayton le Woods

Age: about 20 in 1915

Reg no: 680255 

Rank: Gnr, Sig 

Royal Field Artillery





Living at 6 Rock Villa Rd, Whittle Le Woods with parents John, a Labourer at the Calico Printers, and Nancy Alice Fairhurst

Siblings are Alice, William, James, Agnes, and Harold



Enlisted in 1914 - 1915


Disembarked on 30 September 1915


1 September 1917


In the Weekly Casualty List (War Office & Air Ministry ) - Tuesday 04 September 1917 he is stated as wounded


Also in the Weekly Casualty List (War Office & Air Ministry ) - Tuesday 23 October 1917


Entitled to wear a "Wound Stripe" as authorized under Army Order 204 of 6th July 1916.


Brother of the above



Edmund Fidler (Fiddler)

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 13299

Possible 9 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment


Enlisted about 17 July 1915




Repatriated Prisoner of War arrived at Dover on 3 December 1916


Possible again Prisoner of War 27\5\1918 Maisy 


Both POW pieces of information are from


Demobilized on 25 February 1919


In 1939 he is a Cafe Proprietor in Preston, Widowed



Son of William Fidler and Ann (nee Worthington) 


Related to my friend Melanie (Mel) Chadwick and family of Moss Lane, Whittle le Woods.

I also have connections to the Fidler's






Oliver Bateson Fidler

Age: 43

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 3529

3 Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (SR)

Enlisted at Chorley




Oliver was 43 years old when he signed up again with the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment on 31st August 1914,  having previously done 6 years with them.







He was discharged after 2 years on the 30th August 1916 after being discharged for no longer physically fit for war service. - Deafness

The medical board report stated-

Originated about 25 years ago.

Not the result of nor aggravated by service.

Permanent capacity as on enlistment.


No foreign service.


Lived at 16 Smith Terrace, Clayton le Woods.  He was a Weaver.


Related to my friend Melanie (Mel) Chadwick and family of Moss Lane, Whittle le Woods.

I also have connections to the Fidler's



William Henry Fidler

Born 1900

Age: 18

Service no: 245465


Think he was enlisted as of 2 May 1918

Served in the RAF


Father is Oliver Fidler



Related to my friend Melanie (Mel) Chadwick and family of Moss Lane, Whittle le Woods.

I also have connections to the Fidler's






Isaac Fielding

Age: 34

Reg no: 10997

Rank: Pte

8 Border Regiment


Enlisted at Preston on 9 Septemeber 1914

Joined at Carlisle on 16 September 1914


Living at Bridge Street in 1911, with wife, Isabella and their son John.


Due to an old injury of his elbow, he was discharged as not being likely to become an efficient soldier on 4 November 1914




Thomas Fielding

Born in 1887

Age: 27


Reg no: 23224

C Coy,15 Kings Liverpool Regiment


Enlisted on 13 November 1914 at Chorley



Discharged as not likely to become an efficient soldier on 12 February 1915.

Had valve disease of the heart.


"Should never have been harassed into the army" is the last comment on one of the papers by the Medical Officer


Married to Ellen 


Weaver by trade


Lived at Naylors Fold, Whittle le Woods




Frank Fishwick- Found in the Methodist church file

Born c1880

Age: 38

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 456868

300 Reserve, Labour Corp





Possibly of Bridge Street, Whittle le Woods according to 1914 - 1916 Electoral roll.


1 Spring Gardens as of Discharge


Discharged 18 March 1918 due to Bronchitis


As of the 1921 Census, living in Whittle le Woods 




John Fish


Age: 18, 6 months

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 2164

11 Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment


He was only 5ft 4 1/2  


Enlisted on 13 November 1915 at Chorley. Joined at Lancaster.


Lived at Town Lane on Enlistment and he was a Weaver by trade


Suffered from Influenza and Bronchitis during service after sleeping in tents without floorboards as of December 1916

Admitted to St Johns Hospital, Etaples, and also No 2 Stationary, 1st Australian, at Abbeville? 


His record shows that he was pretty much unfit throughout his service.


Transferred to Reserve on around 16 March 1919


Father is John William Fish





George Fletcher .. 88 ....NEED TO ORGANISE 


William Fletcher..89


Peter Fletcher* ..90


All Brothers lived at Dove Cote Farm,  Clayton Le Woods as of 1911



In 1917 General & Commercial Directory of Preston, there is a Jas Fletcher, a Farmer of 

Dove Cote Farm




Thomas Gardner


Age: 39

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 70362

Cheshire Regiment

118 Labour corp


Also served as 42760, Royal West Surrey Regiment


Rubber Worker by Trade


Married Margaret Ann McIver in 1906


They had children called Jane, Fred, Robert, and James.

Union Street, Whittle le Woods


Enlisted 11 December 1915


Posted to 21st Labour Battalion on 31 August 1916

Then to 74(?) TR  Battalion on 3 October 1916



On 30 December 1916 posted from 29 L, Works Battalion,  Middlesex Regiment?

to Labour coy, possibly 10th,?   Royal West Surrey Regiment


On 13 April 1917 he is transferred to 118 Labour Corp 


Demobilized on 23 March 1919





John W Fowler

Born in 1888

Age: 27

Reg no: 357433

Rank: Sapper, then act rank Sgt in Dec 1918



He Enlisted on 2 November 1915



Posted to 73 Brigade HAG on 12 October 1916 as Gunner 103224


Compulsory transferred to Royal Engineers on 28 April 1918 as 357433


On 15 Decemeber 1918, according to the Offence Report  he went AWOL-


Whilst on active service, abesenting himself without leave from 6.30am on 15 December 1918 until 6.30am on 17 December 1918.

Absent 48 hours


Punishment was 7 days FP No 2

Forfeits 3 days pay 


On 20 May 1919 he is granted Acting Rank of Sergt as Instructor during December 1919 to Feb 1919 


Demobilized on 9 September 1919


Wife is Margaret Little and they married in 1911 at St John the Evangelist

They have two children, Harry Standish Fowler born on 10 July 1912 and Raymond Critchley Fowler 23 April 1915

Lived at Dolphin Cottage as of his Enlistment


Living at 3 Shaw Brow in 1919 




Thomas Gent

Born 1895?

Reg no: 62261

Rank: Pte

Worcestershire Regiment



Enlisted 25 March 1915?



Possible he was also in the 8 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment with Reg no: 19038


Listed as "Wounded" on the Casualty List issued by the War Office from 21st August 1916.


I think he is the son of Walter and Mary Gent


A Cotton Weaver 


Living at Waterhouse Green, Whittle le Woods


Discharged as of 24 April 1919



John Gerrard

Born 1898, Whittle le Woods



Reg no:


Name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914 - 1915 Roll of Honour


Possible match


Living at Higher Copthurst

A Cotton Loom Weaver


Son of John and Ellen Gerrard





John W Gillett

Born in 1889, Whittle le Woods



Reg no:


Son of Joseph and Margaret Gillett who was living at 

1 Kem Mill Cottage


Brother of Charles Gillett DOW \ KIA



And possibly his brother George Arthur Gillett who served in the Royal Navy



He married Florence Morris in 1916


Died in 1954




Charles Grainge

Born in 1884 in Boroughbridge, Yorkshire

Age: 30 and 10 months on enlistment 

Rank: Pte, L/cpl

Reg: 58400

12 Cheshire Regiment



Name is on the Whittle le Woods 1914-1915 Roll of Honour


Charles Grainge, Enlisted on 1 December 1914 at Chorley and Disembarked at Salonika on 6 November 1916 where he joined

the 12  Cheshire Regiment on 28 December 1916


Served in Macedonia for 2 years 


Started suffering from Boils and Malaria,in April 1917 


Transferred to Reserve on 4 April 1919



Son of William and Sarah Grainge who lived at Dog Brow in 1911 with their other children

Emily, Annie, Edith, William, and Mabel


Before the war, he was Waggoner as Trade


His wife is Jessie, living at Naylor's fold, Whittle le Woods




John William Grass


Age: 41 on Enlistment

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 128991






Enlisted 10 December 1915, and joined on 10 May 1915 staying in the Army Reserve but was mobilized on  10 May 1918 with the Medical Corps.


Was with the 154th F A in North Russia at Murmansk?


Married Susanah Nelson on 27 August 1898 at St John's Church, Whittle le Woods


Had children, Annie, Emily, Jane, Isabella, and Elizabeth Ellen.


Lived at Clayton Bottoms


Also, his papers mention Mill Street, Clayton Le Woods


Demobilized on 17 September 1919



Thomas Gregson

Born in 1878, Cuerden 

Age: 37, 2 months

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 67084

17 Battalion, Cheshire Regiment


Also Kings Liverpool and 193 Labour coy



Before the war, he was a Warehouseman


Thomas Gregson Enlisted on 9 December 1915 at Chorley.

Transferred to the Army Reserve on 10 December 1915

Mobilized on 22 June 1916

Posted to the 17 (Res) Battalion, Cheshire Regiment on 24 June 1916

Sent over with BEF to France on 23 July 1916

Transferred to the Kings Liverpool Regiment as 115605 and posted in 23 Works Coy on 9 February 1917 

Transferred  to 193 Labour Coy on 14 May 1917


3 November 1917 he is at 10 CCS with fractured ribs

Sent back to England on HS Ville de Liege, from Etaples


Discharged at Nottingham as no longer physically fit for war service on 23 February 1918

Due to Deficient Eyesight


Stated that in July of 1917, a shell landed near him and since that date, his vision had become worse


Good character, an honest sober man


Married Elizabeth Alice Walmsley at St John's in 1909

Children, Evelyn and William


Lived at 9 Rock Villa Road as of May 1916




Cecil Griffiths

Born 1891

Age: 27

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 23748

7 coy, 3 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment


Enlisted on 9 December 1915 at Chorley


Serving in France as of 1916


During service, he suffered from a Contusion Back, Trench Foot, between 29 January 1917 and 24 April 1917 whilst at 2nd NGH \ Highfield, Macton?

Transferred from Cliff Military Hospital on 25 July 1917 to Springfield War Hospital

Then admitted to the hospital again on 27 July 1917 suffering from "Shell Concussion" and transferred to Springfield War Hospital, Tooting, London SW 17


He stayed there until 21 January 1918 suffering from the "Shell Concussion" and Neurasthenia.


Recommended for Discharge as being no longer physically fit for war service on 11 February 1918


His parents were  James Griffiths and Alice

Living at Waterhouse Green in 1911

He was a Cotton Wever


Weaver by Trade



John (Jack) Grimshaw- new as of 14/2/2019

Born c1878

Reg no: 17065, 61642

Rank: Gunner

2 King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment,


Also MGC


Also 103065 Royal Garrison Artillery


His name is not on the Whittle le Woods 1914-1915 Roll of Honour !!



Married Elizabeth Hart at St John's, Whittle le Woods in April 1899



Entry into the theatre of war is 18 May 1915.

Discharged on 19 March 1919 


Waterhouse Green on Pension Ledger



Died 1948 at 10 County Terrace, Clayton le Woods







Frederick Grime - NEW information as of  23 August 2023

Born 5 Oct 1879, Whittle le Woods

Age: 35 in 1915

Rank: Pte

Reg no: 63471

Machine Gun Corp


His name is not on the Whittle le Woods 1914-1915 Roll of Honour


It could have been missed, or he enlisted after 1915.


As of 1911 and most likely the 1915 Electoral Roll, Frederick Grime was living at 3 Mount Pleasant, Whittle Le Woods.


In 1911, he is a Cotton Weaver and is married to Jane Ann Turner(?)

They married in 1904 at St John The Evangelist, Whittle-le-Woods.


And they have 3 children-

Harry Turner - Illegitimate son, age 7

Fanny Grime, age 5

Margaret Grime, age 3 



He was transferred to Class "Z" and Demobilized on 15 March 1919 



In 1939, they were still living at 3 Mount Street, Whittle le Woods



On 23 August 2023, I was looking through various soldier's profiles and by mistake and good luck, I came across Frederick Grime's information.



He is the Brother of Thomas and Richard both Killed in Action and on Memorial.


Two other brothers served.




James Grundy

Born c1875

Age: 40 and 5 months 

Reg no: 2287

RA (mct) / 2 London Sanitary Coy


Enlisted on 4 January 1915 at Chelsea.


Discharged on 6 April 1916 as not likely to become an efficient soldier on medical grounds.


He did not serve overseas 


Lived at Blackburn Road, Whittle le Woods. 

A Mason by trade


Sister Annie Grundy, same address as next of kin.





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